Mystery Theme Clues

Mystery Theme: Story: Page 1


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Silver Dining Service

A very expensive silver dining service lies stacked on a sideboard in the Dining Room. Usually immaculate and shining with polish, one goblet of the set has a very slight dent on its edge.

Sapphire Bracelet
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By Debra L. Long

Sapphire Bracelet

Sparkling with blue jewels, this bracelet is most definitely genuine. Its owner should be more careful though as it was found on the floor near the Dining Room table.

Broken Faux Pearl Necklace
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By Debra L. Long

Broken Faux Pearl Necklace

All that glistens is not gold and similarly this pearl necklace looks quite genuine, but is actually paste. Found on the floor to the Dining Room, its clasp has been broken.

Hip Flask
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By Debra L. Long

Hip Flask

A silver ladies hipflask, with the initials B.W. engraved upon it was found in the Lounge. It contains a small amount of brandy.

Portrait of Sir Edward Black
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By Debra L. Long

Portrait of Sir Edward Black

A predecessor of the current owner of Tudor Close; Edward Black lived in this house during The Reformation and gave the house its current title. This oil painting shows Sir Edward alongside the infamous Black Falcon and hangs above the Lounge fireplace. One curious observation of this picture is that although Hogarth swears it was not so earlier in the evening, it was found hanging on the wall at a slight skew.

Brandy Decanter
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By Jerome

Brandy Glasses & Decanter

Two crystal brandy glasses and matching decanter. One glass is nearly full of Brandy, the other has only remnants left. Found in the Lounge.

The Black Falcon
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By Jerome

The Black Falcon

This priceless ebony statuette with claws made of diamond and blue sapphire eyes, was lost for centuries. Hidden in Tudor Close by Dr. Black's ancestor, Edward Black, it was recently discovered after solving a cryptic riddle (See "The Black Riddle" at and now lives in the Study. When it was released from its hiding place, it didn't have a scratch upon it - so why does it have one now?

Red Hair Clip
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By Debra L. Long

Red Hair Clip

This beautiful ladies hairclip was found on a table in the Study. Its red colour and a blonde hair found attached to it, indicate it belongs to Miss Scarlett.

Fiddle on a Stand
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Violin on a Stand

This fantastic instrument is of outstanding quality. Intricate in every detail, it is a masterpiece of design as well as sound. Normally propped carefully on its own stand in the Ballroom, Dr. Black forbade anyone to touch it; so it is lucky he is dead as the fiddle's bow was found with a set of fingerprints on it that did not belong to the deceased.

Ruby Broach
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by Debra L. Long

Ruby Broach

An impressive piece of jewelry, this broach has a sparkling red ruby in its centre, surrounded by gold. An item for expensive tastes, it had been discarded on the Ballroom floor..

Blue Purse
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By Debra L. Long

Blue Purse

A blue ladies purse was found on a small table next to the sofa in the Ballroom. The contents include an assortment of make-up, a set of house keys, a handkerchief with the initials E.P. and an invoice for jewellery.

Plum's Diary
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by Heather Castillo

Plum's Diary

Professor Plum's diary, found on the desk in his bedroom, makes a very interesting read. A mixture of personal observations and scribbled calculations; most of the recent entries are concerned with the Antique Puzzle Box in the Library. Others entries allude to some sort of dealings with Colonel Mustard. A single page had been torn out, but was found in a book in the Library. The page contained three bank account numbers.

Silver Trophy
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by Heather Castillo

Silver Trophy

Two months ago, David Black won this item in a local Billiard tournament. Professor Plum and Colonel Mustard were also in the tournament and were both thoroughly jealous of Black when he won the trophy. They feel he leaves it on show in the Billiard Room, just to taunt them. The trophy was found still in place, but with a minor dent in it.

Reading Glasses
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by Debra L. Long

Reading Glasses

After minor investigation, it was discovered that these spectacles belong to Professor Plum. He could not remember where he had left them, but the Police found them by the Billiard table.

Antique Puzzle Box
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by Mary Mansfield

Antique Puzzle Box

A complex item with sliding panels and hidden compartments. Since its purchase, Dr. Black has been unable to open it; but when found by the police, it was only one slide away from being opened. Inside, the police found an assortment of antique coins and a parchment bearing unrecognisable writing.

Wine Rack
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by Mary Mansfield

Wine Rack

Stacked with the most expensive bottles from around the world; this wine rack (located in the Kitchen) and its contents are Dr. Black's pride and joy. One bottle was found smashed in the Kitchen dustbin - a shard of which was found in a crevice on the floor.

Pocket Bible
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by Debra L. Long

Pocket Bible

A pocket bible with a green bookmark was found strewn on the Kitchen floor. An inscription in the front of the book reads "To J.G., With Love. J.M."

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by PJ


A man's monocle with a chain that would normally attach it to a jacket or coat. This monocle was found unattached, on the floor of the Conservatory.

Marble "Pardon" Statuette
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by Heather Castillo

Marble "Pardon" Statuette

This marble statuette of a horse's head was sculpted by one of London's top artists. David Black recently acquired it from an art gallery while in London on business. This impressive beast usually stares into the room, but was facing the wall when examined by the police.

Colonel Mustard's War Medal
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by PJ

Colonel Mustard's War Medal

A prize possession of Mustard's, he won this medal was won for saving a man's life. Normally adorning his uniform, it was found on the Hall floor.

Black Coat of Arms
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by Mary

Black Coat of Arms

This ornate shield bearing the Black family crest, hangs on the main wall of the Hall. The crest depicts a rearing gold lion and three stars, on a field of black. Although the shield is hundreds of years old, the police found a modern bullet freshly imbedded in a corner of the shield.