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Build Mode Textures

Our build section contains textures that you apply to your house, such as walls, floors and roofs. Other items that you generally find in Build Mode in the game, such as Fireplaces, Columns, Plants etc. are in our Buy Mode section.

Floors has a variety of textures from a small selection of hardwood to a large variety of carpets and tiles. The berber carpet comes in various colors to fit most of your designing needs and you won't have to look much further to find you needs in tiles!

Sets are walls that include matching floors. We have a variety of styles for many different rooms in sets. Too the left is Stipes and Checks, a very standard timeless set of patterns. Don't forget to check out more fabulous walls and floors from our Themes section. Asian, Mystery, Pleasant Simsville, Victorian Christmasand more!

Walls section contains many walls from several different creators. Pictured to the right is a wall from our Savvycollection. These walls, like many others were designed to go with a specific room. The Savvy bedroomby Teresa is available in our objects section.

The Fine Simplicityselection by Kate features a variety of styles and colors with white moulding typical of many homes.

The kids section has walls and floors designed specifically for a kids room, though a few may be stylish enough to use in other rooms. Lots of colorful patterns and designs in a variety of styles and many have been matched to fit our children's bedrooms.

Roofs section displays a whole array of colors for several selected styles. Almost every imaginable color is available here, even some with a snowy appeal. You can find a nice little snow roof in our Christmas Themeas well.