Welcome to SimFreaks

Recent Updates:

Bouquets 1 1 / 6 Artist Simbabes Bouquets 1 Pack (164 KB)
Hot Date Required
2 / 6 Artist Simbabes Bouquet of Spring Flowers (17 KB)
Hot Date Required
Special delivery straight to your door, we bring you a delightful spring bouquet of two-tone irises with larkspur and fern guaranteed to brighten up your day.
3 / 6 Artist Simbabes Bouquet of Yellow Roses (19 KB)
Hot Date Required
We've filled a little iridescent tubvase full to overflowing with as many yellow baby roses as it will hold. Ready for immediate delivery to your Sims' front door, all you have to do is place the order.

We've filled a little iridescent tubvase full to overflowing with as many yellow baby roses as it will hold. Ready for immediate delivery to your Sims' front door, all you have to do is place the order.
4 / 6 Artist Simbabes Lily and Peony Bouquet (19 KB)
Hot Date Required
Brighten your rooms with our mixed bouquet of coral tiger lilies and pink peonies arranged and delivered in a coordinating amethyst crystal vase.
5 / 6 Artist Simbabes Bouquet of Classic Whites (22 KB)
Hot Date Required
Every Sims home can make use of a bouquet of classic white flowers. Our Classic Whites, arranged in an understated blue ceramic vase, comes chock full of lillies, tulips and larkspur, all in white, all classic.
6 / 6 Artist Simbabes White Phaleonopsis (22 KB)
Hot Date Required
When you're fresh out of jungle gardenia, nothing says jungle exotic quite like a phaleonopsis. Ours comes staked in its special stoneware pot, insulated with amazon moss.

Bouquets 1 Pack Bouquet of Spring Flowers Bouquet of Yellow Roses Lily and Peony Bouquet Bouquet of Classic Whites White Phaleonopsis
Asian Plants 1 / 6 Artist Debra L. Long Asian Plants Pack (212 KB)
Hot Date Required
2 / 6 Artist Debra L. Long Bonsai 1 (37 KB)
Hot Date Required
3 / 6 Artist Debra L. Long Bonsai 2 (36 KB)
Hot Date Required
4 / 6 Artist Debra L. Long Bonsai 3 (40 KB)
The Sims Required
5 / 6 Artist Debra L. Long Bonsai 4 (40 KB)
The Sims Required
6 / 6 Artist Debra L. Long Lucky Bamboo (55 KB)
The Sims Required

Asian Plant Pack Bonsai 1 Bonsai 2 Bonsai 3 Bonsai 4 Lucky Bamboo
Formal Sets Completed Added Everday FM Sets Dani's Wedding Sets (3) Scarlett Bedroom Updated Asian Asian Updated Shock Roofs


Deg Deg Everyone!

Back by popular demand. Real Heads, Ultra Heads & more. Go see them...or continue reading.
I can hardly believe it myself. Almost the entire mesh collection, unless I missed something, is back online. I may have some female CU01 heads missing, and may have to convert it to a page like the new heads pages I made to get them up.
I started by trying to fix one page and ended up fixing a whole section. Not quite the way I wanted, but well enough for downloading purposes. Each section is now consolidated to its own page. No more clicky-clicky. Just scrolly-scrolly.
There may be a couple of heads missing. I know there is a restoration head by Fionn that I need to find a place for and will try to figure that out this weekend.
Also, I am now opening up usage to the community by allowing you all to redistribute the head meshes with your own creations. I was not a fan of the exclusivity, but that was part of the deal I had with Fionn at the time. I always thought it was a waste of numbers and that the community should have access. So let your creative flags fly.
Though you may use the meshes for your own creations, please do not create derivatives (adding props is ok, especially since that's what the C800 series was all about). Remember that you can add props by getting SimAttacher by Ahn and creating your own Mix'n'Matches. Please do not redistribute our props unless you know how to attach them properly without changing any xskin-numbers on the head mesh.
Attribution is required with credit to [ARTIST] at SimFreaks displayed prominently & a link to our site's main page
Artist readme must be included. If multiple, you can consolidate them down to one.

Installation Instructions

For those of you who are new to downloading CC, Steve "Simslice " & I have completed a set of installation instructions at:
Installation Instructions Page
If you have a copy of The Sims Legacy that you have installed from somewhere other than Steam or EA, please let us know the directory paths for installation of files so that we may add it.

How Our Heads Work

Ultra Heads

I hope to provide more skins for this section. The Ultra Heads are the far superior heads on the site, and those you can now redistribute, but the mesh may not be modified in any way without special permission from me. No mesh derivatives.
Anton Kisiel, hair stylist of high fashion models & superstars, created these meshes as a seasoned 3D designer. When I say that's who he was, I am not being clever, I'm being pointedly accurate. All the fashion industry drama behind him, he continued to 3D modeling & design. He put a lot of thought into how these were made. The heads are a little larger because, well, Anton thought they should be seen at those low resolutions, haha!
The cool thing about the Ultra Heads is they only use 2 Numbers CU01 & CU02. The latter is for bearded men. This means that every skin you download for the heads will appear on every mesh of that number within the constraints of male heads being for males and female heads for females. No need to rename bitmaps and have multiple bitmaps with the same name. My Geisha heads also work with this series. Props are already attached and ready to use. Texturing is symmetrical, which makes them better, with higher resolution skins.
If you want to rename the meshes for personal use, feel free (Just rename the .cmx file, open with a text editor, and change where the cmx filename is to match.) for less gender-specific meshes.

Real Heads

Each Series is designed to work much the same way as Anton's. However, they all have their own number. The C700 series could have just been all C700 and not C700 thru C799 or whatever. I have considered changing the meshes all to C700 and freeing up all those other numbers for more creators, but that would be an enormous amount of work, especially since these have been widely redistributed.
So if you want to see that face on a different headmesh, rename the bitmap to match. Viewing these in Simpose is a great way to casually scroll through and mix'n'match. Other simmers may know of some other programs that maybe display the skin on a mesh and rename the skin? Does that exist? Please let me know. I think maybe SimShow will do this, but I believe it doesn't support Legacy.


Now for the big truth. While I was redoing a lot of screenshots, I found some significant problems with the Real Heads collection. Fionn made great strides to create some beautiful heads, but did lack the knowledge of properly decimating a 3D mesh. We were all learning as we go. This ended up causing a few issues.
Our original agreement with DAZ3D to convert all of the heads to The Sims was allowed because DAZ3D recognized that the original mesh was completely destroyed with the Decimate process. This process reduced the size of the mesh to make it more playable in the game, but the end result was that the geometry on these heads wasn't reduced with "good practice."
Some of the Real Heads have been blocked because they were so bad that they could cause your game to crash. They were pulled long ago. I am going to attempt to recover these files in Maya using its clean-up tool and fixing any nesting problems "tangled 3D." But this may come with some slight stylistic changes. Now that I am a seasoned 3D artist, I can recognize a lot of bad problems, so I want to leave this at "Use at your own risk," which we all know the ones available have been working for 25 years in a lot of games.

Fabricio's Heads

Fabricio created some really cool heads that I placed in "Mods," namely a mohawk. I believe he created them while at university studying 3D. These are high quality as well.

Dov Sherman's Low-Poly Heads

Low-Poly and exaggerated hair, a little anime-like in style. He tried to keep the head meshes within the style constraints of a Maxis Mesh. C700 skins will work on these meshes too.

Daniel's Heads

Fabricio skinned some of Daniel's heads then made a Mohawk Pack, mostly light tones, with the same UVMap structure. Meaning the skins are also interchangeable.
Find more of Daniel's & other artists meshes under the SimSkins website Archive located under "hosted sites" from the SimFreaks.com main page.

Simpose Posing Volunteers

I think that about covers everything. I'll be sure to write another novel in a few days. :D
Newbie Installation Guide created by SimSlice & SimFreak

I have quite a lot of news here to share with two days worth of updates. Today's updates are about fixes and some critical updates. The updates dated for yesteray are new rereleases.

11 Mar 2025


& Update your archives
The Valentine's 2001 Pack (In list Below)

Not sure how I could have possibly missed this. These skins must be updated to work in your game. They had been saved as compressed, which is a common problem I had with Cherie's (sfC) skins. I am trying to go through and updated all of them so this doesn't happen anymore. Unfortunately there are other cases where sfC exists. Cherie was the first sfC, but Lorceel used sfCLK, Captain sfCPT, Mystery Theme sfClue, Colleen Morgan sfCM, Church Theme sfChurch, and more So simply searching and fixing isn't really easy. I went through 1906 zip files beginning with sfC and systemmatically updated all Cherie files (one hopes). I can't guarantee I got them all, but I think I did.

Please if you run into this display error on any skins on SimFreaks, contact me immediately.

All updates include any versions available.
TBR (To Be Released) means the pack is not officially released, but you can download it here today. I just don't have screenshots. I do this so people can update their archives.

In cases where multiple files have been updated, I have linked the packs if those packs have been created. Otherwise the downloads are individual.

Tip: With boys and girls skins, you can often name them universally, though some files may require a new CMX Simply change FC or MC to UC.
In the CMX make a copy and replace the same letters, open the file in a text editor and change the first line that lists the file name (don't change xskin line. Only first one)

10 Mar 2025

Newly Re-Posted

The following sets have either been added or updated:
Female Fit Formals Page Completed Moved to Own Page.

Per Usual, Please let me know if you find any errors on this page. Thanks (edited)

3 Mar 2025


Fixed Male Skin Navigation on Sidebar.

Added a bunch of skins & images. Hard to say what was added as some were merely image updates and fixed some coding errors that may have prevented download of some items before.

The following sets are now available on this page. 25 More to go. Posing & screenshots take a lot of time. If anyone wants to volunteer, let me know :D

    Added many things on the Female Fit Everyday.
  1. Clubbing
  2. Cool Casual
  3. Cool Comfort
  4. Country Life
  5. Down to Business (Added Golden Outfit)
  6. Friendship
  7. Gunne Sax (Added Country Gunne Sax to Set)
  8. Xandher's Hot Mamas
  9. Jeans
  10. Mid Drifts (Fixed)
  11. Mono Classic
  12. M Size Skins
  13. Night Life
  14. Pants
  15. Party Pants
  16. Picadoozy Square
  17. Promenade Deck
  18. The Underground
  19. Tongue & Cheek

2 Feb 2025


I've posted a donations link as we have been keeping these sites alive for quite some time on our own. Our current situation is a struggle, so just asking for help to keep us alive and hosting.

6-9 Dec 2024

Navigation Tip

Please use the side navigation to get around the buy mode area. That will be the most up-to-date, as the index pages may not currently reflect all the updates

Last few days of updates below.

I don't have time to post every day about what i'm updating. Currently, I'm working on the objects section. As this is happening, you may find some missing links, missing, images or things you're missing from your downloads directory!

Updated the Thanksgiving Foods, currently located in Buy > Items > Foods

In my search for my Birds of Paradise beautiful recolors, I was able to recover a lot of things I have tweaked, update and a few that I've made. Not sure exactly what is there yet, but I hope to discover soon! Of these items, the Thanksgiving food, I believe I actually redid many of the sprites, like Jerry's corn, which was always a little green.

7 Dec 2024


Tapestries now available with seventeen (17) collections added to our wall decor section. The buymode side navigation has been updated to include this new section.

6 Dec 2024

Wall Decor Pictures, Posters and Paintings.

Added a few collections that were accidentally left off, the index.

5 Oct - 4 Dec 2024

Navigation Overhaul

Homepage, Build, Buy, Skins & Themes navigations have been updated. I may continue to make some changes to make navigation a little easier. You may still come across some errors. If you find any in the navigation, please let me know on our Discord.

Many Updates

5 Oct - 4 Dec 2024

I've been doing a substantial amount of updates. I will do my best to cover everything that has been completed to this point. This has been big project covering several different areas. So many adds that I'm not sure I have documented them all, and yet there is still so much missing.

I have made so many updates to the female body skins section now. New screenshots, new groupings, same stuff! All items have been added to the end of their respective pages.

The Female Fit pages has been fixed with the current available content. In addition, I have added the following collections the Female Bodies Pages

Other roomsets are still a mess. Please ignore.

A reminder that we have a lot of the Simskins files up for download in their own section. I have put a link under guest sites in the main page. I tried to design this in a way that paid tribute to the original Simskins site, but I freakified it.

I do not know if I will ever find time to post their poses, as I don't have screenshots of them. I may just throw up a list at some point.

Please visit our SimFreaks Discord if you find anything linked incorrectly or missing from our new pages or if are looking for anything specific that may be missing. We will do our best to help you all while the site is still in repair. The site is extremely huge and I'm trying to find time to work on it when I am not working on my Work work. I need my downtime too!

Pirate Theme Fixed

6 July 2024

The house page needs looking at but everything else should be there. Let me know if you find any errors. This was a sort of quickly done section and doesn't have all the bells and whistles.

Slice City 2.0 Released

2 July 2024

Introducing Slice City 2.0—a whole new gameplay experience. An extraordinary amount of new files are included—76 new files, making more than 120 plus files! Every preexisting file has been updated or replaced, including all previous add-ons. Two core control objects, a modern City Plaza and a Power Plant, work in conjunction with each other. Watch as citizens fight crime, put out fires, or interact with your Sims for the first time. Various vehicles, including little horses, roam the lot for various purposes. Numerous new features and disasters (e.g. Bugzilla) are included, along with surprises.

As in Slice City Original, citizens continue to live, play, work, and generate profit for your Sims. They utilize businesses, homes, and venues, which cost Sims § to maintain. Beyond the city environment, Sims can now develop rural farmlands, industrial zones, or suburban areas. The expanded Seaport and Air & Spaceport bring imports, exports, and new citizens in a variety of vessels. Additionally, the Space Rocket attracts alien colonists. Also unique files such as Tiny City allow Slice City citizens to play their own mini-city, benefiting Sims as well.

Many more details are included with the download, and in-game via convenient "Info" buttons on every object. Or, simply download it and dive in. As before, all you need to start is the Power Plant (Buy Mode > Decorative §100). Like ZombieSims, this custom content expansion pack contains a vast amount of interactive material.

Wall Flags & Flower Vases

14 June 2024

Static Wall Flags added to Wall Decor and currently are grouped with paintings.

Flower Vases added. I haven't really begun on redoing the plant section yet, but found I had this which I was moving from another section, so I went ahead and put it up on the site.

Miscellaneous Appliances Added

23 April 2024

Added Miscellaneous Appliances to Appliances section. Some of these are old recolors and some of my first objects, so apologies to those like me that think they are ugly, but the radiator is cool! or warm, the stove and food horn are decent. Please read notes on objects. Cheers.

Paintings Section Complete

21 April 2024

Wall Art - Paintings now complete with 191 paintings. This should have most of the sites paintings, including ones from various sets. Only a few random paintings missing which will be added at a later date as time allows. These all should be updated and catagorized now.

Curtains Mostly Complete

21 April 2024

Curtains Page is now updated. This includes most of the curtains. I hope to add a few others from the mystery theme as time allows.

>Magic Cookie Database

6 Jan 2024

Fixed and updated. Please do not move or reorder. Use the "Find" feature if you are looking for something specific and please doublecheck your cookies.

This database has been running since Fall of 2001. Please if you haven't added your cookie here, do so and spread the word. Cheers

Offsite: Patch for Zombie Sims

26 Dec 2023

Simslice released a patch for ZombieSims A reminder that all Simslice files are available on ZombieSims.com with lifetime subscription. This is a temporary solution which we had hoped to resolve over this holiday, but we have hit a larger issue at the moment. So keep a backup.

We are currently in the process of moving SimFreaks 1 to a new server. SimFreaks 2 is going to be in limbo for an indefinite amount of time until I can figure out what I can do to save it.

Patrick J Barrett III, who did all the original sims, expansion packs object code, has been hosting the sites on his servers for the past 12 years or so. Unfortunately, he has suffered a stroke and I am not able to access our Sims 2 database without his authentication, which is on the East coast vs West Coast. I do have the files and an outdated version of the site on an old hard drive. as it had been updated recently, just not all the other important stuff. I recently addressed this problem with him and time was not on our side.

I am unsure what his condition is at this time, as I only receive a very brief update. In the meantime, I want to do what I can to keep the site up, so SimFreaks should be fully uploaded within the next few days. Expect bad links, missing images for a few days, then after I'm finished, expect the same old mess , because I have not miraculously finished the never-ending redesign.

All of Patrick's friends and former colleagues IRL* and IVL* are wishing him the best during his rehabilitation and sending prayers and positive vibes.

We wish you all a Happy New Year, SimFreak & SimSlice & The Zombies

Winter Wear

6 Mar 2023

All Winterwear is now available. I have added skin tones for any of the old skins that were only available in one color. Cherie's skins were update to be index properly for the game. All new screenshots to showcase the skins in their best light. Please contact us through our discord if you find any problems on this page. Happy Simming!

Male Skins

27 Feb 2023

Male Pants updated with new images. Bang Bang Guy's body file by Ahn in the Summer Shorts pack is now available in all skin tones All of Cherie's skins have been resaved as they were showing up white. Let me know if you find any download issues in this section.

FAA Girl

25 Oct 2022

By request, I have created the FAA Girl & BH09fachd_sfhcFAA body mesh for this set. Please let me know if you have any mesh number clashes. This mesh added long slightly over-sized sleeves and heels to the B009fcchd

Revised Christmas Trees
& New Christmas Tree with Train

22 Dec 2020

These trees have all been updated. Spites were fixed, they hav been recatagorized in Decor > Plants and all are priced the same, to make them a bit easier to find.

These trees have all been updated. Spites were fixed, they hav been recatagorized in Decor > Plants and all are priced the same, to make them a bit easier to find.

Christmas Tree Train by Mary was never released before. The trees sprites were previously jumbled and took many hours of work to sort out. Once reassembled, I adjusted the animation speed to make the train run as smoothly has possible with the limited animations.

Revised Christmas Skins

20 Dec 2020

The Grinch, Snowmen, and Mall Santa have all been updated for expansion packs and have NEW Winterwear and High Fashion outfits

Almost Merry Christmas Again!

24 Dec 2020- 14 Dec 2021

The Mall Santa's and Snowmen have been updated for All Expansion packs. I have created High Fashion and Winterwear outfits for the Mall Santas. For the Snowmen, I have turned the Nude Skins to Winterwear, added a High Fashion Outfit for the Snowman and Snowzet (adults) that I created to complete the set. The nudes for the snowmen will be white, but unfortunately with Unleashed, the ability to create the body shape was broken.

I still have to work on getting the Christmas Trees up, but all other Christmas objects are available in the Christmas Section. Objects & Skins The Themes Side Menu has direct links as well.

I've been working on the Christmas objects section and trying like crazy to finished it but still have a couple of sets left. I have updated quite a few file, replaced and fixed issues like bleedy objects, yellow halos and well any of mine I thought were just plain ugly. View the new Christmas Objects Section here Please download Christmas Objects from this page, as the older section may give you older versions. Thanks.

North Pole Sign

IMPORTANT: You may wish to remove sfhcNorthPole1.iff and sfhcNorthPole2.iff as this is a better version

This file replaces my old north pole sign, which was originally split into two pieces that had to be stuck together. I had always wanted a better base and had little experience with 3D at the time. The model was not created by myself. The over-saturated color caused bleeding in images and just didn't really look very good. Not only did I fix the image, but I changed it to an arched fence base, so you can surround your Christmas Tree lots with it if you wish. I wanted a functional arch, and this was the best option. Unfortunately, because the fence base is weird, I had to put the wording on both sides.

This object is hacked. I took the fence base and was able to remove a ton of drawgroups to decrease file size and ease of creation. Why Maxis created this in the most difficult way, when I found way to break the images down into 2 drawgroups. You won't notice a difference. If you would like to use this to create other signs, I ask that you don't change the color, but make something original with it. You may resurface, but not recolor. Please give the site and me credit. Thanks. Heather Castillo


24 Nov 2020

IMPORTANT: Please remove sfasrCornucopia.iff as it is corrupted.

I created this decorative cornucopia to replace our missing/corrupted file. This file will be located in our Thanksgiving Theme section, once I get it redesigned.

Currently, I am working on our Christmas and Buy Mode Objects sections. I have installed all of the objects and check for ID clashes. The new files will be available as each section is completed. I have also renamed some files to better fit our naming structure. Some objects have even been updated because of graphic flaws or I was just too embarrassed to put up my old ugly objects. :D.

Shock Roofs

26 Oct 2020
roof sample

I created the dark shock roofs to go with some various Tudor assets from other sites, and of course in true SimFreaks fashion, they come in a variety of colors, including one dark snowy one. These shock roofs really tuft well in the game. You can view these in working order in our windows section in build mode.

Small Siding

06 Oct 2020

This lost siding was found in in a folder, and I do not recollect ever releasing the items, so I ran them through Homecrafter. More lost items may appear in the walls and floors section.

Bathroom Bowl Sinks

06 Oct 2020

One object, 20 Colors! Thanks to Woobsha for making the sink base for this object. I added onto it by adding 20 different colors! Just place, click in play mode and choose your color.

Build Mode Objects Updated Again

06 Oct 2020

The build mode object section has been updated again. After a computer crash, some files went missing due to me not realizing they were corrupted and didn't transfer, and then accidentally deleting them. Luckily I have 4 backups of the old site and have been able to recover most everything. I've even found some items that went missing or never got released! Those will be coming soon.

Geisha's by Heather.

Please Read.

23 Aug 2020

The CU01fa_Geisha1 through 5 are now available.
CU01fa_Geisha has been replaced with CU01fa_Geisha1. I found some issues with the original Geisha Suki head mesh, as the flowers were displaced. I did not replace the file, rather made a new head mesh as some might like the dangling effect that occurred with the old mesh. All other head meshes are new.

Keep in mind these are all medium tone. You may wish to download a CU01 dark and Light Ultra Head or Skin so you won't have blank head meshes in game. You can do so here.

Kimono's by Ahn

16 Aug 2020

Five beautiful kimonos have been retrived fromm the files section and are now available again.

Generations's by Ahn

16 Aug 2020

Six heads with big bun hair meshes have also been found! Adults and Elder females.

Latest Updates

28 May 2020

Cobra Kai

Face of the Pharoah

28 May 2020

Although the object was given to me many years ago, I was never happy with the original color, as it looked like mustard yellow. While working on the Egyptian section, I stumbled across it. I took this object created by Amonsetira and made some adjustments to the color. I hope you find them useful.

Latest Updates

21 March 2020

Karate Kids

Greetings from Heather.

SimFreaks is currently being revamped. Please be patient while I am working on this, because I'm going to make an even bigger mess. This project began as me adjusting Jerome's meshes and then sort of flipped over into SimFreaks and Jerome's site is sort of working, but I went off on a tangent! I had to skin a few meshes, as he had used skins from other artists over the years and I have no idea where to find them. So I started skinning his meshes. After that was done, I thought I will use one of the skins to give away with his meshes and then pop the others up on SimFreaks. Well....Over the last decade, I've been very busy working on various other projects, so the site grew old and dusty. I tried calling the NPC maid, but all she did was clean the shower all day. While the site got dusty, my coding skills got rusty and out of date too, so I setup the SimBabes section which was almost what I wanted, but isn't quite right.


While digging around, SimBabes' Classics, I found Donna hiding out in the file system. She was sneaking around in the backend, hiding without any images. I dug deep into my old hard drive to no avail, so I had to start whipping out tools, and SimBabe got excited. Then Donna posed with all her glitz and glamour making a spectacular debut with all the elegance of a Classic SimBabe.