Skull Candle |
By Jerry |
After a while, her eyes adjusted. The mirror over her head reflected a little light
from the ceiling overhead. At first she took a fright; in front of her was the
most hideous thing she had ever seen - a candle within a man's skull. No matter
what she saw in that room, she could not take her mind off of that skull. She
tried to imagine who had worn it at one time; was it made of wax? But she knew
she was her father's daughter when she decided that she was not afraid.
There were several barrels clustered in one corner. She could not see beyond that.
To her right, on the floor, were smooth bars of what must have been gold, as
the light caught it on occasion. A sudden rocking of the room and the sound of
wind chimes told her that she was not in a house, but indeed in the hold of a
Bullion |
By Jimbo/Jenny |
And then it came to her: the fellow outside of the bathhouse. She struggled a bit,
but then stopped struggling. Had he taken her? No. She would have known that
then, and even now. He gave her a whiff of the ether, and carried her to this
place. And she prayed, under her breath, that this had been the extent of it.
She pulled on the ropes, but sailors knew their knots. She could not escape. She
proceeded to launch herself from the chair, and then fell hard on the dirty floor.
She hit her nose on a gold bar, and tasted something like sawdust in her mouth.
The light from the ceiling darkened suddenly, and the rat-a-tat-tat of feet across
the planks above told her someone was coming. She quickly contorted her body
and after much effort wriggled into the chair. The door of the hold opened quietly,
and someone came down the steps. They walked rather lightly.
"Miss-miss, are you alone?" The voice was small and quiet. "I am - over here."
"I am Hans. The Captain's boy- His cabin boy."
Rachel swallowed hard. "What does your Captain want with me?"
"Miss, I don't know. I only know what I am told." "And what has he told you?"
"Nothing, Miss. They- they seemed interested in a map."
"But what do they want with me?"
By this time she could feel the boys breath on her back. She still could not see
very well. He whispered in her ear.
"I don't know, but you have to leave here."
"Am I in danger?"
Cabin Boy |
By Rainman
Comes with 3 different stripe colors. |
"Please… I'm going to untie you now. You must tell no one what I've done here."
"You're a kind boy," she said, a wry smile crossing her lips that he could not
see. "Will you- will you be in trouble?"
"I'm not a boy. I've seen enough to make me a man."
"Of course you are." she paused while he finished the ropes. "Can you get me to
"The two men on deck… they are drunk and asleep. The others are in port. I can
get you to the deck. Where you go from there is your decision."
"Why are you doing this?" she asked, now looking directly into the boy's eyes.
"I saw him bring you here… all limp. Your dress hung off of your legs, and you
appeared to me to be an angel. My Captain is a fierce man, without a heart. I
love you, I am sure. That's why I have to let you go."
Rachel grabbed his arm and kissed him quickly on the forehead.