The Sims Flag |
By Jimbo/Jenny |
told by Hildy, the maidservant
The night was warm, but Rachel had a cold nature. She tightened the scarf on her
neck, and stole out of the house.
The wharf was busy and conversational this evening, smelling of smoky chum. A full
eight ships had docked this night, the most she could remember. A storm would
come on the morrow. Several mariners were on their own decks, swabbing and hoisting
and the like. The whole wharf glowed of orange, as the lanterns had already been
lit for the night. In the distance could be heard the sweet strains of a squeezebox.
Pirate Wench |
By Veronica.
Rachel walked in a rhythm to the hollow sounds of her feet on
the plank boards. Five men called to her from the wharf; they
had pipes fully lit, and spoke in languages she did not understand.
From the same mouths she heard phrases she knew to be French,
and some words she perceived to be Dutch, but understood nothing.
She knew they were speaking unmentionable things about her. She
felt their eyes, and turned away, but smiled all the while. Ahead
was the place her father had always told her to avoid.
St. John was not much of a station; the crews would stop only to shore the riggings
before a storm, to take a pint in the tavern, or to visit the bathhouse.
Bath House |
by Heather
The house is part of the Isle of St Simmeon Lot |
The bathhouse- the bathhouse was the most infamous establishment
on St. Simmons. Not very large, it was well known that the bath
maids were of loose character and healthy complexions. They were
stout and lovely, and kind to every sailor who passed for a bath,
and kinder if he had some plunder to share.
She heard raucous laughter from the inside of the building, and the sensations
within her breast discharged in her feet, so she slinked to the back.
Jewels |
By Jimbo |
Four buccaneers were bathing. On the floor were scattered jewels of moderate value,
and the maids were costuming them on their wrists and wore them as necklaces,
fondling them and pleading with the men to keep them. "We are fine women," they
would say, laughing to each other, "and we have rich husbands." The pirates would
only grin and ask for a kiss on the cheek; they promised them more jewels later.
The girls smiled, poured the hot water, and washed the dirty backs.
Gold and Blue Pirate "Silky" |
By Rainman
Body Mesh by Jerome |
Rachel admired them. Here was she, creeping from the house, away from her father's
eyes, and absent from his knowledge. He would have flogged her had he known where
she was; at least, he would have imprisoned her in her room again.
Of the pirates within and without the house, the one in blue, seemed absent from
the lust. He sat quietly outside, scaling fish. One of the pirates stood in his
bath, and threw a sponge at him through the open window. She heard them call
him "Silky."
Fish Platter |
By Jimbo |
"Ho, Silky… take a bath. I'll be clean shortly," the sponge-hurler
"You finish your bath…" Silky called back, "and I'll have them draw some clean
water for me. I don't want to bathe in mud."
Rachel noted the parrot, Old Paul, in the corner. He was quieter tonight, but years
of training in buccaneer conversation had given him such a vocabulary as to shame
the sailors. Old Paul was probably the oldest living thing on the island… next
to her father.
Parrot |
By Jimbo/Jenny.
A pet! |
As she straightened her body, something spun her 'round.
"You're looking for something, Lass?" The voice was deep.
"I-I, I lost something."
"Aye, and I've found something," said the man in the red greatcoat. Even in the
dark, she could see the wildness in his eyes.
"I need to leave. There's been a mistake."
He grabbed her arm near the shoulder. "You look fine to me, in the moonlight. Fine
indeed. Are you a maid in the bath?" Rachel swallowed hard, and her lip quivered.
For a moment, she almost said yes. "I am the daughter of a hard man," she said.
"They call me Pete. I am a hard man."