Rachel sat and glowered at the victuals before her.
Oranges |
By Jimbo |
"Your father is attending to some business at the wharf," I said,
and shook my head. He was at the tavern, and I am certain that
she knew.
The daughter pushed her food from one side of the plate to the
other for an hour.
"Eat something, Miss," I pleaded, "you'll catch your death of this."
Without a word Rachel snatched an orange from the bowl, and sank her fingernails
deep into its rind.
told by Finn Jones
Pirate Captain |
By Veronica |
Twas a swaggering fellow that walked into the Ye Olde SimFreak;
had a broad three-corner hat with the Jolly Roger roughly embroidered
on a fold; had he a red great-coat and heavy leather on his boots.
He was dressed in finery, and his hair was freshly combed. He
smelled queerly like he had returned from a French fancy house,
and had not washed the perfume o' his face; he wasted no time
in biding the Colonel's eye.
The tavern looked more like a Church; windows of stained glass,
dark benches for the mourners and sinners. Only when they come
to this house, thar was ne'er a prayer to be heard.
Card Player's Quarreling |
Framed By Heather |
The old man with the monocle eye was playing at gin... a rum-soaked Barbados wench
name of Judit hung at his arm... the man in the red coat found him
"Are you Colonel O'Shea?" the seadog asked, stroking his beard.
" That I am." The Colonel never looked up from his hand.
"I'm called Pete. I have your shipment. Six hundred bottles of Jamaican... the
best cane in the isles."
Bathsheba Receiving David's Letter |
Framed By Heather |
The Colonel looked up. "I prefer to handle my business in private. Lots of eyes,
lots of ears..."
"Here now, Colonel, you own this island. You know all those eyes and ears... and
you can plug them at your will. I have a crew of ten. Can you lodge us; maybe
provide some com
"You have a price in mind...?"
"Get to know me first, Colonel... we can talk price after we're chummed."
The Colonel smiled ... and bit the wench on the cheek a bit.
Watermelon |
By Jimbo |
"My Dear, I have more money than I know what to do with," he
spake to her. " Across the wharf is a bathhouse, with some to
attend. You should be bedded there, Captain. A lot of female company
for you..."
The seadog agreed with a nod, and took to the bar.