Expansion Pack Naming Conventions By Heather CastilloSpecial features were added with Hot Date, Vacation, & Superstar. The ability for the end user to customize outfits without the nasty side effect that originally happened. In order to do this, you will need to familarize yourself with how skins and meshes work (.skn .cmx and .bmp) together to make a sim. You can find tutorials at Jerome's Mesh Shop Body types originally all came with the same naming convention. You have at least three files for each body. I will use Ahn's Women's Wetsuit for this example. The original wetsuit has five files cmx, skn and three bmp files. One bmp file is necessary for each skin tone: B300fafitdrk_WomensWetsuit.bmp Now take these and replace the B with: S300fafitdrk_WomensWetsuit.bmp The easy part is now done. B300fafit_01.cmx Again, replace the B with S for Swimsuit, but you aren't quite
done yet! B300fafit_01 change that to S300fafit_01
You are now finished. The skn file should remain the same As long as this cmx was built properly in the beginning, it should be fine. However, if you want to check the tenth line in the cmx after the words PELVIS should match the name of the skn file you are using. Note: SKN files do NOT need to be renamed. Doing so will create a large load on your end users game. You may download these skins on this page for reference. |