How-to info
Install to C:\Program Files (x86)\Maxis\The Sims\GameData\Skins
This page contains:
- The Sims Everyday Wear
- Hot Date Formal Wear
Some files are only available for Hot Date. The Sims versions can also be downloaded for Hot Date but will appear as Everday wear instead of formal wear.
If you are unsure of how they work, look for the F, S, L, W, H before the 3-digit code. for example F001fafat indicates formalwear for a fat female adult sim. This indcation expansion are required.
Expansion packs Outfits Order
& .cmx .skn .bmp designation
- The Sims (TS) Everyday Wear - B
- Hot Date (HD) Formal Wear - F
- Hot Date (HD) Swim Wear - S
- Hot Date (HD) Lingerie - L
- Vacation (SV/VA) Winterwear - W
- Superstar (SS) High Fashion - H