Juicy Gossip

February 4 - Interview with Kinsey

Vima - Hey Kinsey! Thanks for the Interview! How are things going since you left SCN?

Kinsey - Well its been pretty hard for me. This is something that I have worked for, for over a year, I made a tiny mistake and was burned at the stake for it. Not only from my peers but others as well.

Vima - Would you like to clarify what happened for those who aren't familiar with the forum discussions?

Kinsey - Sure Vima! Well what had happened was at the begining, I changed the file names of the Walls, and Floors I was using to keep them more organized. The once HomeMaster came out, I would change the file name (still to keep things organized), and I would change the price (this is before I knew how to do the money cheat), and sometimes I would take out any creator comments (this was before anyone even cared about copyrights and cloning issues). I hated some of the things that were in the comments. Since I was using these for my personal use I figured it didnt matter anyway.

Then I started making houses for TSR and then eventually I went to About.com (Sim Community News). When I sent my House zip files into About.com the Wall and Floor files that were in the zips were left there completely by accident. These files were never supposed to be in the files that I was submitting for download. I never intended on them being avalible to the public and I never intended on taking anything away from the original creators of these files. This was just a big mistake on my part, I just should have checked my files more efficently before sending them into About.com

Vima - How did the files wind up in the zips in the first place?

Kinsey - Well I had put the files into the zips to ensure that the person that I was submitting the files to could view the house in full.

Vima -When you found out the files were left in, what was your reaction?

Kinsey - Well at first complete Panic and Stupidity. I immediately contact About.com and told them to remove any of the Wall and Floor files from my zips. I then contacted the one person that I had actually found out that knew about me having the files in my zips, and apologized and let her know that I was fixing the problem.

Vima -Who decided to close the Guild?

Kinsey - Well the Guild was temporarilly closed by Jinnita, and Jenova, since they were the ones really running the Guild. I let both of them take it over since I didnt really have the time to do the updates and all with SCN taking so much of my time. Then I closed it permantly once all the gossip and BS started, since I was closing SCN too it just seemed like the right thing to do. So many people had not only lost faith in me but SCN and The Guild also.

Vima -How did Jim feel about you leaving SCN?

Kinsey - Well I think his first reaction was Shock! All of a sudden I was emailing him frantically and the next min I was resigning. I thought that Jim would stand behind my decision but it has become apparent to me that he doesnt. He has reopened SCN, and made it very clear to me that he no longer wants to continue talking to me.

Vima -Ouch. That hurts. Why did you quit? Why not just remove the files and go back to doing the news?

Kinsey - Yeah it does, it wasnt enough that I had lost something that I had worked for very hard to make it succeed but I had lost someone that I looked up to for guidance and help throughout all of this. Jim was the reason I helped start SCN

Vima - So you not only lost two sites, but a few friends in all of this.

Kinsey - I had thought about that, and after I had removed the files, I still continued to get BS. Mostly from friends of the site I had contacted. No one could just understand that what I did with the files after I downloaded them was my business and I truly didnt mean to offend or take anything away from the creators, it was just human error plain and simple

Kinsey - Yes, Vima, and that hurts me more then anything. I worked my ass off to gain the popularity and the members I mean come on! I had a TON of hits each week, I had over 100 members, and now only a choice few now that I can still call friend!

Vima - So what are your plans now?

Kinsey - Well I am no longer going to be doing anything in the public that concerns "The Sims" I am a Student and I work full time, I have a loving Fiancee and thats all I need. This interview is probably the last thing I will do that is Sim Related!

Vima - Will we still see you around the boards?

Kinsey - Ummmmmm, probably every now and then when I get time, or see something that I want to talk about.

Vima - I guess now you will have time to play some games?

Kinsey - Yes I will! It has been months since I have had time to play any games, let alone The Sims.

Vima - Well, thank you for this interview. I hope we didn't touch too many sore spots here. Is there anything else you would like to add before we wrap it up?

Kinsey - Naw! I was honored to do it! Anything that doesnt kill you only makes you stronger. I am just glad that it is all over and I can go back to just being me :)

Go to February 2nd Juicer