Juicy Gossip

Sims Department Store

Vima - Before going out to the club tonight, I decided to drag Dane shopping. No one will surf past this place without noticing the neon green glow of the homepage. Hard on the eyes, and I don't want to read the text. I suggest this color of green (#99CC99) here in this pic...I did change the peach (#FFCC99) a little too.

Skyler is here! "Hey, Sky! What are you doing?"

"Shopping for a dress. There are some really pretty ballgowns here I think you'll like."

"Oh! I'll take a look." Vima heads to the dress department. "These are pretty, let me try them on. Almost perfect except my um...boobs seem to have no shadows under them. I'm losing clevage! I think I need to losen this corsette or something." I being picky because I really like this dress, but I lose my flattering shadows. With some added highlights and shading, it would be fabulous!

Some of the bikinis are really fabulous, but I'm starting to look a bit like Callista Flockhart when i put them on. No shadows under my chest! :(

I noticed when perusing the files that some of the mesh creators readme's were left out, I'm sure by accident. (Cinderella Ballgown). Tsk. Tsk. I think you may be hearing from Jerome soon. WDS doesn't have a policy, so you are safe there.

The objects really didn't catch my eye at all. I tried to go the Theme Rooms, but the images were missing. :(

The skins show great potential, but the pop-ups are enough to chase anyone away! It even locked up IE once.

One martini for the road please. Oh, make it a shirley temple..

Skyler - Sims Department Store. I used to shop here all the time! My Sim women have the royal purple outfit in the casual section and just love it! They used to have this same outfit in a great blue and brown, but seem to be all sold out. Bummer, I really wanted to pick up that brown on too. She has a couple gowns that will look fabulous on me, but Vima... Poor baby, what will she do without her cleavage?

She has theme rooms... To bad the pictures won't load for the Princess bedroom, as I recall it was very, very nice. And CC would have just loved to see the Guardian Angel picture :( I just love the Cinderella wedding gown, and the Cinderella ball gown. I getting them. For what you ask? I dunno, since I consider myself Royalty already ;)

The furnishings... Recolors generally aren't my thing. I must say though she has been creative in how she recolors. Two tone objects you haven't seen elsewhere, with the entire room to match, I like that. She has some nice light wood doors, and white washed. She has some nice flooring available you won't see anywhere else.

The layout of this site is very clean and easy to navigate, I really like that. The colors didn't bother me until Vima was kind enough to point it out, "Thanks Vima"

I've corresponded via e-mail with the woman that runs this site a couple times and she's always been very nice and friendly. I recall her saying she has a "passion" for making clothing over objects. I think that's where her forte is.

I toast her with Three martinis to a job well done!!!

I'm laughing so hard... I brought in this new bubble machine I bought at the local mall... CC has been enjoying that funny machine all night, a little to much if you know what I mean!!! A handsome hunk has her on the new lighted dance floor spelling out "YMCA" to a "Village People tune. It's a site you MUST see to totally appreciate :)

Squeegee - Very uncomplicated layout, no bothersome ads, animated graphics or even elaborate wallpaper. The look is simple, bold and very easy to navigate. This site is a delight to review, because it's so damned simple in appearance!!

A fairly simple selection of skins to view, but they lack any type of 3D shadows to them. I know making shadows on Sims is not an easy task, but it really does enhance the look of the skin on the Sim itself.

Nice selection of objects in the furniture area. I like the close-up screen images of the furnishings. I am a little confused with regard to the "Furnishings" area. Only because it's to close to the word "Furniture". Maybe a good word to replace furnishings would be "textiles"??

Most of the floors look to "grainy" to me. Like the tile is just out of focus.

A few broken links, but other then that there is nothing more to review. There can't be that many negative marks on a site that is so simple in appearance. It's almost a sin to even review this site. Like the webmaster made the site look so windswept so that there was less of a chance to get negative marks added.

It's a simple site, but also too simple if you know what I mean. There is a large amount of room to remodel and make it more engaging to the user.

Oh, I will make it a point to be less "official" when I review these websites. Is it me or does my reviews look less humorous then the others here?? Alright, I will make more weasel/ferret references in the future reviews. But for now..

I rate this website a challenge at two martini glasses.

Mason - Cute colors and layout here. This site has loads of room to grow. The objects are recolors but they are done pretty well. There are some original objects here as well. The skins are lacking depth and texture. So I didn't like them as much. The floors and walls section is pretty cool though, you know how I am about my floors :o) This site could update more but besides that it's a good start!! I give this site 3 Flirtini Glasses.

Sister Cecilia C. Simser:
Church of Simmintology. - When I hear the words “Sims Department Store” I think of a small Site, with large print. I find myself having fond thoughts of who ever designed it, to think of us poor folk with bad eyesight. Glory Be!

Every page has nice bold text. And if it is to hide the fact that there is not a lot on the pages downloads wise, I do not care! The GREEN was a bit bright on the main news page, but for catering to us visually impaired folks, I will let it slide. Contrary to Sklyer’s opinion I need these to see!

::Holds glasses out and squints::

That girl! I don’t know but a good revival wouldn’t be just the thing for her! She asked me to go with her to pick up a few things at SimFreaks and Heaven’s help me if I didn’t end all trussed up like the Christmas goose. I really need to try to contact my dear sister soldier “The Church Lady” and see how she managed Skyler. I might find myself in need of a sabbatical too!!

Well back to the Department Store, like I mentioned before there isn’t a great deal here but if you have been searching for a “white phone set” well then this is the place for you!

Usually I make it a habit to not go into the walls and floors section, I do not think The Lord wants me to try to keep up with the Newbies, I can be perfectly happy with my original walls and floors! Moderation in all things is the key. However having said that I did venture in and noticed some very nice, plain floors. Nothing fancy here, and I like that fact!

Well the Clothing is quite what you would expect, ankles, navels, and bosoms as far as the eye can see! I cannot understand why we cannot do something modest with perhaps a nice lace collar or something with a little tie at the neck, a small floral print, I don’t know these are just suggestions....I could go on for days.

Any skins designers out there who are lacking for inspiration are welcome to join us at the Recreational Facility's annual sewing and modeling competition! Now that is where you will find young people with the true meaning of life coursing through their veins, none of this Bubble addiction that has become so prevalent the last two days. Sad really...

Oh goodness Vima has talked to me about long-winded diatribes on the problems of the world. I do try to hold my tongue but when I am out fighting the wages of SIN I have to point out The Evil One’s playthings! Of course as caught up in her “relationship” with this Dane character as she is, maybe she won’t have noticed.

Ok I will give these site three communion cups. There is room to grow here and with some prayer and hard work it could become quite good. Praise Be!

Now back to the lounge to see what mischief that Skyler is causing tonight. Let the Lord help me, be strong.

Scoring is on a scale
of 1 to 5