Juicy Gossip

SIMply for Fun

Vima - What a cute site. When I first arrived at the party, there were some balloons leading me to the new and exciting stuff! The skins on the front page are intriguing and I can't wait to see what great stuff is inside. :)

The skins are really great, a little more depth could be used under some of the edges of the clothing, but I really like them. I did notice a problem with the maternity .skn mesh, the second line in the .skn file should be x. The mesh is numbered B335, but the numbers inside are B333. This could cause problems for downloaders. Just open it, replace 'B333FAFat_long' with 'x' and save. I don't know who made the mesh, but you might want to point that out to them as well. Quite a few other meshes have the same problem.

The downloads are all available in either exe or zip file format. Great for those who can't figure out how to use the zip thing and also great for those who can't use exe's such as people who install to a partitioned hard drive and one must consider those ahem...Mac users.

The faces look very lovely as well. Pretty little heads on Fionn's meshes. Eyes seem well proportioned and they aren't bad too look at..."Ahem, Dane." I rarely like men's faces, but these all look pretty nice. Some of the eye pupils on a few of the women looked a little flat. Could use a little lighter touch on those.

The objects vary from fair to great. The rugs and tapestries look very nice, but some of the objects aren't quite the right view. I like the green kitchen with the mini table, it's Simply adorable :)

The room themes have a nice little wallpaper and floors sets for download. They are all very nicely done and I'm at a loss for words. I must admit that I've not been to this site for quite a long time and I didn't realize what a gem it had become.

The houses are few, but they each come with a price tag beneath them. Very nice to know what a fortune it will cost. The large houses aren't quite to my taste, but do have some interesting designs. The smaller houses are well, they aren't much smaller. No little starter homes, but the houses are bare. One is affordable without cheats or moving your family in the lot before installing.

I think it's worth a good 3 martinis and an extra olive...chug-a-lug! :) And it definately gets a bookmark!

Skyler - Simply for Fun... What a simply fun name ;) I like the main page It has cute little screen shots off to the left of the window, set up to look like a roll of film, very cute. Then we have these toe gorgeous skins. She keep news right on the main page, and has the party balloons from the game to draw your attention to "what's new," just click on those, and your one your way. Hmmm... More balloons, along with less recent update info.

I'm heading over to vintage designs by Elstone. These are magnificent for the males and the females. Why CC didn't wear one of these (rather than white, which by the way I'm still chuckling at the not to bright peep that believed she earned the right to wear white, yeah right LOL) is beyond me. Now CC thinks she's getting to know me so well that I'm sure she's assume my next stop is the exotic dand/showgirl area, well, so :/ I happened to enjoy it in there, and even spotted on the belly dancing outfits CC wears when she sneaks into the back of dance class ;) The fashion has a HUGE selections from country western, to ballet, and so much in between. It's differently worth a look at if you haven't yet.

I really like her room themes. She not only has the wallpaper displayed in one large piece so you can see the detail, but she also has a mini screen shot to give you an idea or it will look in a room. If flooring she uses in her screen shots, that are from the game, she lets you know which ones they are for your convince.

She has some fabulous heads you should take a to at too.

The furniture isn't a HUGE collection, however the majority of it's very nice. She has some unique items such as stone carved benches, various animals for your yard, but the real jewel even though I don't collect Winnie the Pooh, she has a great set is you happen to want one for one of your Sims youngsters.

She has a nice collection of house, although most of them are a wee bit big for me, I like smaller more realistic playable houses, which she did have two of :)

I really enjoyed this site (again) anyone that hasn't been here should take the time to stop by, I don't think you'll be disappointed! I also forgot to mention her downloads are available in either exe or zip! I know this will thrill people beyond believe :)

Let's all toast with 4 martinis glasses and a book mark!

Sister Cecilia C. Robertsim
Pastor of the Church of Simmintology -
Oh my I hate to mention it but imagine my embarrassment when on Monday evening I came to, back at the Lounge, with Skyler holding my smelling salts under my nose. It seems that I must have been hallucinating what with the dehydration and all...Pat has made me promise that when I go to a site as big as Sim Freaks in the future I am to take and extra bottle of water with me! I have to agree...but, my the things I imagined. Lord help me!

Well tonight I am happy to say I like this site, It is very nice. A lovely host Monica is there to lead me through. Seems like a charming girl. Quite circumspect in her behavior. Praise be!

She wanted to show me skins first and who am I to disagree with the owner of a place? I have found the most lovely matching square dancing togs for Pat and myself...Oh won't we look great on the Recreational Facilities annual Ho-Down!!! Amen!

Faces are next and I am impressed a few in particular really catch my eye. That Elstone's "Eve" is really nice, and Monica's "Maggie" and "Meghan" I particularly like.

Nice, nice, nice!!! Objects are next. All categorized oh so carefully. There is a nice stone bench for the garden that I am wondering if I should get?

Well all in all I really like this site, I cannot stay too long tonight though, I have an important political function to attend. It is hard being the wife of a prominent man! But well worth it...Skyler I know that you do envy me a bit and I do forgive you, I think just a bit more bible study and you will be on the right track.

Well I will give three and a half communion cups! I will be bringing Pat back to see those floral love seat and chair sets.

Squeegee - It was not long ago that I had came across a reference to SIMply for Fun in one of the many Sims associated BBS boards. It must have been a month or so because it was then and there that I placed this site in my browser bookmarks. And now I find myself sitting here about to evaluate it.

First off, the front page is straightforward and clean in nature. I am so glad to see simple white being used these days. It genuinely gives the site that "clean" look so that the user can visually look at the significant things like the last time the page was updated and personal notes from Monica. I also like the screen images on the left side that gives the impression that the images in on a roll of film. I was able to look at all the images on that roll and that brought me to scroll downwards following those images. What a nice way to view the whole page. :)

Once you enter the site you are witness to the meat and potatoes of the main page. The navigation area is on the left as well as updates with (I stress WITH) URL links to bring you right to the new items. Many sites tend to tell you the broad location of the new items and then it's up to you to find them. Maybe those sites do that just for the hits?? But I see that Monica took the initiative to make life a little easier for the fans who check out her offerings. This is a breath of fresh air in my opinion.

I started to go through all the offered sections that are listed in the navigation area and I found what I would consider a booty. And that is that Monica has provided an widespread selection of links to the many tutorials and programs that are available online. So, if you're interested in making skins you have a list of five different links to the tutorials that others have made accessible to you. And on that same exact page, there is a listing of all the required programs that would be needed for you to get started. I really pay tribute to this attention that has been given to this important aspect of the game. Many sites just lack this much detail and what is offered at SIMply for Fun is a cherish prize.

Now, for the crucial review of the goodies such as the floors, walls and skins area.. :)

The wall assortment has my taste as well as a pleasing way to show off the many walls. Each wall image also has a matching screen-shot from the game. So that the person has the chance to get a peek at how the wall will appear with in the house interior atmosphere. This is exceptional. Again the website has taken the step to make it easier for the person to get the full usage of the website. I love it!! I would also add in that people reading this review check out the "Underwater Theme" that Elstone has put together. There are even wet suits offered!!

The same type of feature is given in the Exterior Themes selection. I don't know how many times I have seen some very detailed exterior walls that looked great when your looking at a straight forward view. But then as soon as you get them into the game and place them on your Sim home they turn to crap!! That highly detailed image then appears too sharp when viewed at the angles that are in the game. Well, this is yet another added perspective that has been corrected at SIMply for Fun!! If I had noticed the offered exterior walls without the screen shots from the game. Then I would have not downloaded them at all. But with those small sample images I can see how they look and I like it!! I downloaded all the exterior walls and floors offered.. It's that simple.

As for the skins area, it's brilliant yet again. The faces all appear to be highly detailed. And that is detailed to my standards. With wrinkles and facial expressions that are visible and no shadows in the faces themselves that would make them less desirable. Page Two in the faces area loads up all broken images. So I don't really know what the crisis is there. Fashions area offers a large selection of distinctive themes. I went straight for the vintage dresses area and found a large amount of skins that I desire to have and that I am annoyed that I didn't make those first!! LOL!! Added details are the maternity vintage dresses and that all downloads come in either ".zip" or ".exe" mode.

Objects?? A simple selection of unique objects and my interest was the Betty Boop area.. :)

All right, to sum up this review. Exceptional format, the skins were creative and in fashions and fabrics that I have not seen in many moons. I can tell that Elstone has done her investigation into the fashions that were made. And she just got on my list of people who are enemies to my skinning hobby!! hehe!!

Except for a few pages where none of the images loaded up correctly (got the broken image graphic). I have to say that the website is almost flawless.

I have the pleasure to say that I don't think there is anyone out there in the Sims Community who will NOT find anything to download. I am very particular when I download things and I tend to double check them in the game to be sure that I like them. If they do not pass my inspection, they are tossed with no second thoughts. What turned out to be just another review for me became a event where I downloaded 18 items that made up 1.3MB of data!! And I didn't toss anything afterwards. :)

I am pleased to submit a review of four martinis.

Simantha - Aah! *spotlight shines on face* Noo!!! Not again...

Oh. I'm up to review now...that's a relief. Thought that spotlight was...oh, never mind.

Simply For Fun, hmm? I'm anticipating fun then...lessee. Didn't that thing on the side scroll before? Kinda blurry pictures there. Ooh, Elstone's moved here! I loved her Wheel of Time skins at the Tattoo Parlor before it closed. Index has a "what's new" section right off the bat. Okay...April 5th, Elstone's Latin Dancers were new. Very cute sets for the entire family there. It'd be amusing if they were actually in dance positions in the poses, but that's no big deal. Continuing with Elstone's fashions...I'm a tiny bit confused when walls turn up in the Aether Sims section, but they're nice walls and even nicer skins. Riva's head looks good too. The country dancers remind me of when I was in New Mexico after the spaceship dropped me off and I went to a barn dance and they were wearing these interesting denim outfits and...yeah. Cool. I like the detail on the Native American skins, but some of the men's seem to be on rather flat, with not too much shading. Of course, that might just be my monitor's lack of contrast or whatever. Ooh! The Nutcracker theme looks really nice. They're even doing ballet! Not really sure how the Indian dolls are Indian though. Not really sure what the "Plus Minus" collection's about, but I'm guessing Hawaiian. Darn IE just up and quit on me! Stupid thing.

Okay, it's better. Oh...no Wheel of Time stuff yet. I guess I'll have to wait. I do like these pregnancy skins in various sections. Got that, forum people looking for pregnant skins? Simply For Fun has pregnant skins. Bookmark it and stop asking. On to Faces..."Adam" doesn't seem to have eyes. Some of the oldest ones look like another bitmap was slapped on the mesh without really changing the little facial lines and wrinkles to the new mesh, like "Zachary". The RealHeads women have pretty nice texturing to the hair.

Ahh. Objects time. Some recolors, in interesting shades of green and...off-red? The few original objects are cute, although i sense that they're probably of the no-back-view variety. Ooh, rugs and tapestries. Some 2x3 rugs, the Native American and other patterned rugs look nice but I wonder how the ones with horses or dogs on them look in the game when you change views. Animals...I was expecting pets along the cloned-from-the-dollhouse variety but these look pretty cute too, especially the fawn sitting in the undergrowth. I suppose some of the others are not intended to look real, but then the heading "animals" is a tad confusing as there's no way to tell which are for decoration and which might possibly be for playing with.

Site layout: It's very simple, which fits with the name, and which also makes for quicker loading time. But it seems a little lacking with just the text links on the side, which could be pretty with buttons and such. The white background is simplicity, simplicity, simplicity itself (apologies to Thoreau), but kind of boring, given the nice texture of the left border. Also, it's difficult to navigate the objects section since it's necessary to return to the main object index every time one wishes to go to another type of object that is offered.

So let me think here...oh, right, the rating :) Overall, then, I give it 3.5 shooting hearts, with points off for the design and some oddly mapped heads. Oops, gotta go, it's my turn at Stratego...

Scoring is on a scale
of 1 to 5