Juicy Gossip

Sim Models

Vima - @$#! pop-ups. :( Minimize...Sort of a dull gray (grey for you Brits) greets my eyes as I enter this establishment. Lovely logo and buttons with a nice shade of blue that sits with the gray very nicely. The text contrasts enough with the background to make the text easy on the eyes (though someone recently complained about my text...hmmm).

Say, is that Pamela Anderson in that banner? Looks a lot like her.

There must be a little Irish celebration here, because I see a pot of gold...remove it please. Don't turn this pretty site into a cheesy one by adding a stupid animation.

I'm checking out the men first...mmmm. The new men don't really appeal to me. Though certain components I do like, there are some features that I don't. I prefer no teeth in my faces, but if you like teeth, then you will probably want to download the men here.

The display is sort of uneven. I think we could do a little better with maybe some uniform displays for the heads. Keeping the squares the same size and maybe making the background clear or to match the one on the site.

The women's heads are a mixture of good and bad. Quite a variety here with some beautiful faces...and some ugly ones. Some of the ones I like are adultcourtney, tina 721m, deanna and adultpamela...say, I was right! :) After looking at these, I must definately say that I prefer a more symmetrical looking faces, especially in the eyes.

The kids look a bit too much like teenagers for me, I like my sim kids to look a little younger.

Looks like the real hidden treasures are in the portfolios. Some of the skins here look absolutely gorgeous. :)

The picture displays are nice, but I think there might be a problem with the layout on expansion.

It's a lovely site and worth a visit once in a while to check out what's new. Giving 3 martini glasses and enjoyed my visit.

Skyler - Nice site... The main page is clean with nice colors. The popup ad is annoying, but we've already touched on that here. I don't care for the pot 'o gold catching a rainbow (maybe I'm just cranky today hehe) This site has easy navigation easily directing you to your destination.

Females heads are very pretty. Some are better than others. Most of the mouths seem awfully large. It's nice to see a Sim with good teeth, and a big bright smile. I think the men are kind of funny looking with the big white teeth, the others look better. The kids are pretty cute :)

I think the portfolio idea is great! I'd like to see more of these :)

The clothing is very nice, I really like that cat suit :)

My biggest complaint about the heads are the hair. There isn't a lot of depth to it. It appears as though hair was taken from somewhere and blended with the smudge tool way to much. That's primarily why I haven't used these heads in my game.

The creator is definitely getting MUCH better from when she first opened her site. I think we're only seeing the beginning of her work. I look forward to what she offers us next.

I'd like to offer a toast with three martinis :)

Squeegee - What a pleasant surprise. At first glimpse the site is user friendly and also gracious on the eyes. It's also friendly to see the lack of annoying banner ads. I can stomach ads to a point, but this is a jewel to not have to worry about the ads.

A small negative. Is that the title of the website is "Company Home Page". I would suggest that the Webmaster go into the HTML code and change the coding. It's simple to do, just look a few lines down the HTML coding and look for the "TITLE" command and change it to your websites title.

The colors used on the website bring the eyes to the images of the featured models. The pictures of the models and how they are made just amaze me. I always look more deep into a website then just the surface. The images that are featured on this site show me that the person loves what they do. And that they care how the Sims are shown that are for download. The "fashions" page as well as the "Portfolios" page best show this love for the work done.

I do have some negative opinions but they are trivial. Trivial because that I feel that overall the website is excellent. But as a reviewer I will express my negative opinions in hopes that it can be expressed and that the Webmaster can listen and then maybe think it over. Do I have a ego?? Maybe, but I will type what goes on in my head, even if it makes me appear like a fool. :) Being a reviewer should go both ways.

The negatives are these. I can't understand why the male models are placed into the "Other Heads" area. Are the males featured models?? Just don't understand that point.

The other negative is that some of the faces seem to have teeth that are too bright. They would fit right in on one of those late at night infomercials. But they seem just too dazzling when they are on the same page with others faces that do not share that "Osmond" trait. And so those teeth take away the attention that those other Sim models merit.

To sum up this review, the website shows a love for the game and her favorite Sims. There was great care put into the website and it shows. My minor negative views are nothing to the big picture of what is expressed on the website.

I am proud to give this website a review of four martinis.