Juicy Gossip

Sim Depot

Vima - With a name like Sims Depot, I thought Dane and I might be able to hop the train across the country...or maybe even several countrys. Sadly, we had to catch a cruise, and I just about got seasick! While the sunset orange was very bright and not too bad to look at, the scenery (marine pic) is low quality. Someone took a paintbrush tool and zigzagged all over the screenshots!

I like the looks of the site. Boxy, but good. Oh no. I downloaded one and someone is using SF at the beginning of their skins...is it from SimFreaks? Isn't that their ID? Oh, I've lost the URL to that ID site to check it out. No. These skins aren't from there. They lack a certain, um flare. Need some detail added.

The walls for the most part don't tile right, so I'm just not going to waste my time trying to figure out which ones do and which ones don't. Most of the floors look like wallpaper samples, which doesn't really interest me, though I may see a couple worth downloading. Maybe a nice wood floor.

The houses all look nicely designed if you like those homes with no yard really. Big mansions are really difficult to play in and I prefer smaller, quaint homes.

Gypsy looks like a promising object creator. Although there are too few samples to really make that judgement just yet. I didn't care for the rainbow colored objects and I've seen enough colored flamingoes.

I don't dislike the design, though it could use some improvement. There isn't a lot of content and it seems to link to a lot of other sisters sites through the reviews section...which isn't what reviews are really about. All and all, I'll toast a martini and may junk an extra olive just for effort.

Skyler - Friday night, and I'm heading to a Sim hardware store, does that tell you anything at all about my life? Just as I expected everything's orange, except for the bright yellow graffiti looking star thing across the SIMarina banner :/

I think I'll do something different this evening and go to skins first (talk about a walk on the wild site) Hmmm... Only a handful of sport guys 'course I love the guys ;) But not these, there's no texture to them or depth to them.

Next stop, objects... Oh, I like these rugs, and this ships wheel end table is quite unique. The multi color sofas do absolutely nothing for me. Additionally movie and sport posters aren't up my Sims alley either. However if you had a quality Dale EarnhardtSr. (suddenly catching my breath and tearing up) I would download it :)

Sniffling I head on over to floors... I really like a few of these tiles in set one, but set two just looks like wallpaper popped onto floor tiles. Some really fabulous papers have been used for some of these walls, however they tile very badly. I say rework them to get those "seams" perfect. I can't stress enough how very important it is to do this, it makes all the difference in the world.

The houses are definitely worth looking at. They aren't so overly large that they're unplayable (except maybe a couple). The review section is on Sim related downloads and programs, not reviewing other sites. That gets so old ;)

So I'll give them two martini glasses.

CC... You most certainly did know about those dance classes I gave. Don't think for a second your fooling anyone here... I've noticed for weeks now you and Delores sneaking into the back of my belly dancing class. You've gotten rather good too, I do believe you have a little wiggle in those hips now ;)

Mason - Well I wasn't expecting a "Marina" type site when I read the name. The graphics are kinda yucky here but I wanna see the skins and objects before I go off. Well only 6 skins here of basketball and baseball players L and they aren't very good skins either. The objects section only has 5 objects and two of those are flamingos L They have tons of movie posters which is kinda cool and a bunch of other artwork as well. Okay this has to be the best thing on this site, they have laceyll doing walls for them. If you haven't seen her work get over to this site or The Sims Resource, this girl is good! They have 6 houses for you to download although the screenshots are not that great to see the houses. I give this site 2 Flirtini Glasses

Squeegee - First there was a website covered in blue. Now this time it's a website in dramatic orange. Orange that causes my senses to blur into a vacuum. Orange that causes a slight throbbing in my eyes to a point that I have recall memories of the classic movie "The Fantastic Voyage" and cross my fingers that there is not a small submarine in my eyeball. Spare me!!

Alright, so that was a artistic way to say that the bright orange crap is annoying. I am working on my Pulitzer, so sue me..

Besides the color, the site has a effortless configuration to it. I see that the last update was on the 4th of April. And it appears that there are updates that average every week. I like this, because that sort of lets the user know that they can visit once a week to see if anything new is featured. There is nothing nearly as annoying as a site that updates every day saying that they don't have anything new...

Navigation is to the point. I did find it awkward that one must also use the buttons on the right to see the selected work or theme. In the different areas of the site, I see that there is a large amount of floors that are just parts of walls made into floor tiles. I was never fond of that type of floor. So I ended up not downloading anything in the floor/wall areas.

Don't get me wrong. I do favor some of the work that Llaceyll has made. But I just have a thing for walls that don't have texture to them. Texture as meaning small shadows in the white to make it appear that it's an actual surface. It's my own individual pet-peeve.

A sizable selection of houses. The "Lighthouse Set" caught my eye. But the button doesn't go to the page. It seems that the lighthouse button takes me to the page that I am already on and I don't see any lighthouse type of structures there.

Some key points for the movie poster artwork. I like the idea but the movies are all too recent. I was looking for the classics (if you can call them that) like 2001, A Clockwork Orange, Planet of the Apes, etc,..

The skins area is small and most of the images that show the skins are either too dark (dark against that glowing orange) or too far away.

The "Help" section was noticed. It's a small area, but I am sure that users have gotten some use out of it.

Finally, it comes to the time that I submit my review. I do have to say that the vivid orange does take away some of the attention from what is featured on the site. The site can be better with some more detailed attention paid to it. I will give this a review of two martinis.

Sister Cecilia C. Simser:
Church of Simmintology. - Of course my first impression of Sim Depot was that it is Orange, I know I comment on colors all the time, but the colors we choose to use tell something about us. Think of a White Dove and what does it bring to mind? Why the Lord of course...or if you watch Television then that wonderful show Touched by an Angel! Praise be!!

I looked around and it didn't take me overly long, which is good my sciatic nerve has been acting up since Wednesday. Skyler was trying to show me some moves and I swear the girl has it in for me. I told her my old bones don't move like that, but she swears that that was how they taught the "Lord's Prayer" when she was at that Quaker camp. I don't know though, some of the movements don't match up at all......OH sorry, I digress.

So Orange Depot, I mean Sim Depot. It is rather small but none the less has a few good looking things in it. There is a new object creator Gypsy and she has made a couple of rugs, they look fine, not really my cup of tea I am not the sea faring type. It will be interesting to see where this site is in a couple of months.

I looked at the houses, a bit pretentious in my opinion, would the Savior want us to live a big house when there are children starving?? Oh no, I think not!!! That sounds like something that the Church Lady would have to point out as having to do with SATAN!! I for one would have to agree with her.

Well there really isn't much here maybe we will be invited back late when there is more to review. I will give it an average rating, three communion cups, I didn't hate it here but it didn't make my socks roll up and down either!!

Well hmm, back to the Lounge I guess...it does pain me to see Vima so lead astray. My little biblical care package did nothing. I tried to make a missionary visit to her but she said she had already had one, it hasn't seemed to do much good in my opinion all she does is walk around grinning and running off with Dane at the least drop of an hat. And of course Skyler is no use when it comes to helping her see the error of her ways, so I just bite my tongue as usual and not say a thing

Bye my Dear Children, Pray for you souls, and burn all bubble machines!! The Lord would want you to.

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