Juicy Gossip

Origin Objects

Vima - A dark, subdued atmosphere, Origin Objects has a nice little design, with some low quality images that are just a little too fuzzy. The scroll is minimal and the banner up at the top inch, which we usually overlook anyway.

The news says they don't have anything new, but then that's not really news...is it?

There are a couple of cute little bookcases that are worth a download and maybe a plant too. A decent looking chair, though I haven't seen what happens to it when you zoom out. With such small metal legs, it might be a concern.

The links at the top don't work...I would expect to click on those images, but no. I'm putting on the reverse to the front page so I can see some skins. Women skins...three skins that look quite the same to me, and I'm not really interested.

Guess that's it. A complete waste of my time. I'd give it an extra olive if those links had worked. The site design has potential, but the bad links bring it down to 1 martini. The only thing saving them was the nice design.

Looks like everyone else had their drinks before they got here...

Sister Cecilia C. Robertsim
Pastor of the Church of Simmintology -
Well Vima here I am on a Friday night, Pat is a little upset with me truth be told. But I just said that my good friend Vima needs me...ok to be honest it seems as if you need no one but this Dane character. I have tried to hold my tongue, but I think it is time that you break it off or he makes an honest woman out of you. The Lord would not condone living in sin!! Praise Be.

Well this place is dark, a black background with light writing. Some of the graphics are very blurry but like I have said before maybe this is caused by my new glasses. I don't seem to have this problem elsewhere however so perhaps it isn't my old eyes acting up after all.

At first glance the site looks quite large, but as I looked around I found that I was only able to get into a couple of the rooms, the others nothing what so ever came up at all. I clicked, I waited, I waited, and waited and nothing. So I moved on. I was able to enter the Seating and the Decorative sections only. This review will obviously be limited to what I was actually able to see. I guess I could call a psychic friend and have them divine what the other areas look like, but the Good Lord does not like me meeting with people who use the powers of Satan. So I guess I will just have to tell you what I saw in the two rooms.

Seating is first; there is a chair in it. As the name might suggest. It is metal and black...that is all.

Now to Decorative, now this room has four objects, I should say two objects but each shown twice...is this to make it appear that there are more objects than there are??? I was a bit confused as to whether there was a difference in them or not. I didn't overly care of either, but I find my tastes run to the more conservative. In all things. There is no need in my house for a RED vase. Hallelujah Sister!

Well that is all I was able to see, and what I did see didn't really thrill me, I am giving two communion cups to this site.

Skyler I need to tell you young lady, that I do not like what you are inferring when you mention that I shouldn't have worn white on my wedding day. I thought I looked quite lovely, who says Orange blossoms and lace look silly on a woman of my age? My dear Pat was quite taken away with my looks...I have never seen the poor man sweat so. Glory be!

Storel - Origin Objects, as the name suggests, is primarily for objects, and their specialty is clearly Electronics. The Electronics page contains several reworked TVs and stereos. There's a TV that hangs on the wall, but from the picture it appears to take up a floor space as well, so it doesn't really save you any space compared to a standard TV, alas. There are also a couple of TVs built into bookcases for entertainment centers if you like those. They look fine, but I'll be much more interested if someone ever comes up with one that can really be used as both a TV and a bookcase.

The WebTV is an original idea, but the pricing baffles me. The description says "Don't have the time and money for a fully fledged computer, but desperatly (sic) need Internet access? Then the Web TV from Origin Objects is your best choice!" However, the TV part is 3500 simoleons and the receiver is 2000 more. This is cheaper than a computer?? There's also a speaker that looks like the House Party speaker on steroids, a jumbo stereo system, and a few other odds and ends. Not to my personal taste, but not bad.

The rest of the sections were pretty small. Seating contained a single black and chrome chair, sort of a high-tech director's chair. Surfaces was supposed to contain at least some wood counters, but the page was completely blank. Oopsie! Decorative had a bird-of-paradise flower in a red vase and a huge eggplant sculpture. Okaaaaay...

The Misc section had some interesting items. Two short bookcases, sort of "mini" and "micro" versions of the standard Amishim bookcase, were done well. There was also a robot dog that looked like it might have been cloned from the SimsPlus pig, and a food item: a plate with a huge mound of Swedish meatballs. I have to admit, I haven't seen that anywhere else! And the Sets section had a nice blue and white bathroom set; I especially liked the counter and the towel cabinet.

There were only three skins in the whole Skins section, all variations on jeans and a white top -- not bad, actually -- but given the site's name I was surprised to find any. I mean, if you visit sites with "Objects" in their names and expect to find many skins, be prepared for lots of disappointment...

It would be nice if there were more items on the site, but the creator says updates have been slow lately because s/he is working on a new design for the site. There's even a link to a preview of the new look. It looks pretty nice, too, more of a "bright and airy" look than the site's current, er, "dark and oppressive" look 8-), so I think they can be forgiven a bit of a wait between new objects.

Overall, some interesting things -- just wish there were a few more of them. The site is worth a look, though. Three martinis.

Squeegee - After spending the last 10 minutes looking through my copy of the Marriam-Wesbter Dictionary, I am now eager to type up a analysis for "Origin Objects".

I can't help but think that the website should be titled "Original Objects" instead of using "Origin". Am I wrong to think that the designation of the website doesn't seem right??

I now review all websites using both Netscape and IE browsers. This is mainly because the two different browsers tend to show two different versions of the same page being viewed. In the case with this website, there is no difference in the look. I take this as a plus and believe the webmaster took pains to make sure that the site is friendly to both browsers.

The nice part is that there is only one banner ad on the top of the main page. The main title graphic quality is degraded to the point that there is a blur near the text and it's easily noticeable. Also, there appears to be blue and gray navigation buttons as part of the main graphic and they do nothing at all except give the user the impression that they are in working order!

Excluding the images, there is a clean look to the main page. The main text colors could be modified some so that there is not a dark gray text on top of a black background. Because of this, the eyes unsurprisingly travel to the sides of the website and not to the essential updates in the middle that happen to be in that dark gray color.

After reading the update for April 14th. I noticed that it's mentioned that the webmaster is working on a new design for the site. I am crossing my fingers that it's more charming then what is offered now.

Traveling to the objects sections. I notice that there is a pretty nice looking "Executive Study Chair" that is offered. I have not seen this precise design for a chair before. So I would consider it a distinctive find. Citadelle has done a nice job on the chair. A note to the webmaster, the word "Executive" in product description is spelled incorrectly.

The "surfaces" page loads up to nothing but a white screen and that includes it being looked at with both browsers. The various object pages offer a small collection of items. I didn't really find any objects that captured my interest. It's worth a look to view what is in the objects area. But there is a limited amount of things offered.

There are only three skins presented in the skins section. And all three are just different variations of one style. The skins show texture and some detail. But I don't know what else to say since there are just three skins and that's it.

The links page features a simple layout that is designed for easy navigation.

To sum it up the review, I have the personal feeling that "Origin Objects" appears half complete. Each page just gives me that impression. I do know that there was no problem with broken links or images that did not load. So, that was a plus. But the site offers "bare bones" content as far as material offered. I do like the layout and the design structure. It's a site that has the capability to excel if there was just more content offered.

I submit a review of one martini glass and a half chewed cherry.

Simantha - I have to say that I have never been here before, but I'm looking forward to this visit. The site design looks pretty clean, although the image in the title banner is awfully fuzzy and I'm not sure how that particular image relates to this site at all. (Plus, knowing that that's a House Party image leads me to think that Origin Objects has House Party objects, which I didn't actually see anywhere.) The downloads of the day...well, I can't seem to find those anywhere either, as the link to surfaces brings me to a nice white page. No 404 error at least ;) Wait...what's the difference between "Home" and "News"?

Very, very few skins. Three, to be exact. I find it interesting how most sites start out with women's skins. Clever how they used the same pattern in all three skins. I'm wondering if the head's for download too...it looks like a Fionn head mesh. Probably want to credit that even if it's not actually for download.

Yay, objects! Oddly enough, there isn't a main index for objects, but the link takes you straight to their best stuff, the electronics section. My GOD that's a big speaker! (oops, sorry CC...) I like the entertainment center that matches the bookshelves from Livin' Large, although it comes with its own set of shelves as well. Very cute, although the screenshot makes you wonder how you get a shelf to hang on a window...The mini bookcase TV sort of looks like someone shoved a TV into a bookcase, however, as opposed to redesigning the bookcase to have shelves going on top of or below the TV. A nice idea, perhaps not perfectly executed. The DVD Centre looks pretty cool, but I have to question the usage of MI:2 as the DVD of choice, despite my love for all things Cruise, that was a horrible, horrible movie. But I digress! Just one chair in seating, and it looks like it could use a bit of work. The arms and legs don't look sturdy enough to hold a sim! Again, blank page in seating...on to decorative...eek! "Feed me...feed me Seymour..." Are we sure that's an eggplant?! Miscellaneous and sets of objects are few, and I have to question why a robo-puppy would leave yuckpuddles, but the objects are pretty well done.

Nothing in programs, or interface graphics, but there are a few links. No SimLounge link though... I think some of the links within the site aren't actually linking to things, as I know there are forums but on occasion I simply can't reach them from the navigation bar on the top. Okay, so I can't reach hardly anything using the navigation on the top, forcing me to return to the front page to get to things.

So...I'm tossing my three martinis (and a bookmark, watch out, sharp edges...) in your face, Origin Objects!

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