Juicy Gossip

Millenium Sims

Vima - Well, it isn't up. Can't review a site that you can't get to and in my book that's worth 1 olive. Tried on several occasions and well, if your host isn't stable...find a new host.

Dane's waiting for me in the car...I'm chunking an olive at this site and calling it a night "It's a Night!"

Oh, wait! There we go...gave it one more chance. I'm taking the In-Game route.

Easy navigation, simple layout, clean and fun. A little slow on the loading though. Some stuff won't even complete load...might as well not be here if I can't see the stuff. A few pages didn't even have anything on them. 7 Deadly Sims style display which is great but hardly credit to the site.

Looks like a SimFreaks chair recolor...might be something for the juicer. The Widescreen TV is nice and the piano recolor looks more like a grayed image of the original.

The wallpaper looks good here, but the ones I actually tested didn't appear smooth enough for me. Some of the floor tiles look really nice and are worth a look at. Roofs are cute, but want more variety!

All and all, the site is not worth much to me right now...but then again, I'm in a hurry because Dane is still waiting. I probably won't come back unless they happen to get some cool new object and word spreads.

Hmmm. That to me is worth one martini...And I picked up my olive and stuck it in Skyler's drink...shhhh. ;)

Skyler - My first impression is that this is site is so cute! I like the Sim woman on the front in her little pose, looking all cute and sexy, however I do believe CC will have something to say about her, and the scantily clad tour guides on the following pages. Why I think I've seem a few of these guides at the lounge previously.

I like the colors of blue and white, they seem real crisp and clean. They have cute little Sim tourer guides to give you info and assist you with what your looking for on the site. They promise updates 2 - 3 times a week, which will be nice if they keep to that without compromising the quality of downloads offered. The news section isn't up and running yet, so I'm just assuming this site is new.

On to the object downloads. Hmmm... I don't see anything overly creative that I must have. Most of the items are re-colors, not bad ones albeit, but re-colors nonetheless which we've all been bored out of our heads with. So nothing I personally would take the time to download.

The first page of walls had a couple promising one, and others buried deeper. One thing that drove me nuts, was as I was waiting for a wallpaper page to load, I would forget which one I had clicked on... There's nothing that indicates which page your on. No highlighted number, nothing on the page itself, not even anything in the URL, which is my last source when I get lost :( I looked at the tiling on a few of these papers and it was really poorly done if there is any kind of a pattern to line up.

On to floors... Oh a few of these are very nice, they quite a bit of texture to them and tile fairly nice too. There's a rather unique roof pattern I haven't seen anywhere else... I might just grab it while I'm here :)

My suggestion for this site would be to organize the wallpapers and floors a bit better. I personally hate going through page after page to fine a paper. For instance if I'm looking for a nice floral, I prefer not to waste my time looking at chalderns patterns, etc. Same with floors, keep tiles separate from bricks, etc. If your going to re-color objects, why not make an entire set to complement each other?

I give this site two and a half martini glasses. I think this site may just grow and it has potential :)

Now, last I heard Vima was running off after Dane... I haven't see either of them since last night. The rumor mill is already buzzing, Mason is trying to calm down CC, with her imagination running rampant (wicked laughter) while Storel and Squeegee high fiving each other!!!

The Vima Dane saga will be continued Wednesday ;)

Squeegee - Clean and refreshing. Banner ad placed at the bottom in a different frame. I entered through the "simple navigation" option using my almost trusty Netscape browser.

I like the uncomplicated look. The white and blue colors make me contented to sit back and look around the site. The text is also pleasant to the setting. But I do have a hard time trying to read the lines that are in the light purple color. When they are added with the white background it makes the light purple awkward to examine.

The links frame appears to be too constricted to effectively display the link buttons appropriately. Maybe to resize the link images/text or to widen the frame would mend this problem. Also, in some areas it seems the link for "Index" is broken. The user then has to use the browser "back" button to backtrack to where they want to go. A small negative in my book.

I like the simple navigation and how the site is set up. VERY user friendly. There is a very large selection of walls, floors roofing tiles. I did spot a few walls that I liked, but the preponderance of the walls featured are more geared to the female Sim fans. Just a little too pretty for me. But, my girlfriend sure liked the selection!! :)

I had trouble trying to get to this website the other day so that I could review it. It was the same day when The Sims Resource was down. And I noticed that all of the images for "Millennium Sims" are on the TSR server. So now I know why I couldn't gain admittance.

Sitting back and trying to think of what the major flaws of the site are. I only have to say that the navigation frame and the buttons in that frame left little to be desired. If I was more enthusiastic this morning I would actually suggest that they "Suck". The other pages are so well put together and you just try to think what got into them to make the navigation frame such a disappointment. The downloads offered are excellent. Jileen seems to have placed much love into the work that she is offering to others. I can see this in the work offered. By the looks of the dates that these walls were posted, she keeps a steady pace. I also like that.

Overall, I have to give a negative mark on the navigation Frame and the things in it. But I like everything else. Respectfully, I must honor the site with a rating of three martinis.

Mason - I really like the layout of this site, they used nice clean colors and you have the option of different navigation types, which is kind of cool. I like the images that they use here too, the hula sim is cool looking :o)

Going into the objects page I was hoping for something spectacular, but then I see that they are using (with permission) the same ""Iff viewer" as Claw from 7 Deadly Sims, I don't like unoriginal people so this disappointed me. Wasn't the objects section called ""Outrageous Objects"? Nothing that outrageous if you ask me. All it is, is more recolored objects. There are some pretty cute presents under build mode? Not sure why they are there.

Now on to the walls, well there are some pretty cute walls here, though most of them are just a little too dark for my taste. The shutter walls don't look all that realistic for the game. The floors here are pretty good, I like tiles! The wood floors look pretty nice too! The roofs are definitely different then I have seen, some are recolored and others look original which is always a plus in my book.

What!??!? No Skins!?!? Man that stinks, oh well overall this was an ok experience and I give this site 2 Flirtini Glasses and a extra Orange.

Sister Cecilia C. Simser:
Church of Simmintology. - Well this is a very pretty site indeed, I am somewhat partial to blue, it reminds me of heaven!! I have brought my good friend Delores with me tonight, she is a Grand Lieutenant in Gods army and also a fine hand in the kitchen. She and I have a bunt cake competition to judge back at the Academy tonight, I thought I would show her what I do in the evenings when I am not busy spreading the Word!

Say hello Delores.


Ok well enough of that, lets get going, I cannot wait to sample some of Donald Crumbkins, cakes. Remember last year how he was able to....Oh sorry. My Comrade, (against Satan and his minions) Delores and I seem to get a bit chatty. Of course it isn’t like there is much to do while you are waiting for pages to load anyway.

You are given the choice of “simple layout” and “into the game“ what ever that is. I chose simple just like the Lord would want me too. I have not need for flash!! It is all about the content and intent of your heart not about man made trappings!

::Praise be, Amen Sister!::

Thank you Delores.

Well, everything is very nicely labeled and easy to navigate, but for me at least, things are a bit slow to load. Delores just pointed out that the tables that all the objects are displayed in look just like old fashioned ice cube trays. Good observation Delores!

::Thank you Captain::

Now Delores there is absolutely no reason for you to call me by my title here, you may call me Pastor Simser, how many times do I have to tell you...Oh patience is a virtue and you are bringing me closer to my divine purpose. Thank the Lord, let us pray!

While I do really like the layout for its simplicity and ease to navigate, I do have to say that it is a bit disappointing to load a page of objects and the little ice cube tray, is empty.

I appreciate the fact that they have taken the time to put up icons for every category of sims furnishings, but to not have anything in that category when you finally go to the page seems like a big waste of everyone’s time.

I wouldn’t ordinarily begrudge you the extra time but, Delores and I have a bus to catch tonight, we cannot just sit and lollygag or go off on a wild goose chase. I do suggest that instead of misleading anyone, just have the icons in which you have no furnishing made, not be a link!!

All in all a nice site not a ton here but worth a look see just for the layout alone. I give Millennium Sims two and an half communion cups.

Well it is off to the Lounge to drop this off and then on to baking heaven, Oh my mouth is watering right now.

I do hope that Skyler doesn’t miss me, she quite relies on me, poor lamb, for moral compass!

Scoring is on a scale
of 1 to 5