Juicy Gossip

Legals Sim World

Vima - Oh, no. It's a big banner page...what a way to greet guest. First they come to visit and all they see is banner ads. It's like I accidenlty surfed over to a porn site minus the pop-ups. I'm trying to figure out how to get in. The top banner says "Legals Sim World" but it isn't clickable.

If the word Legals represents ownership of Sim World, then shouldn't it be "Legals' Sim World" or "Legal's Sim World" depending on whether the word is singular or plural from the start?

Oh, I found another banner with their name...click, click...nope.

I finally got in. It was like standing in line for one of those exclusive clubs where you're not sure if they'll ever let you in. Whoa...blinding light, ahhh. The entry page was black, but this page is taking a 180. Guess there isn't a design scheme here.

Now the navigation links are at top...hmmm. Well, doesn't seem to be a lot here. The reviews page is short and concise. The Favorites page seems to have a lot of unnecessary spacing and same with the Unfavorites.

Updates seem to be infrequent, so I really wouldn't see much of a reason to return here often. I think the people running this site probably have big hearts, but it would be really nice if they would put more into the site.

I hope you'll take a little time to clean up the site a bit. Make the site more consistent. If you are going to have so few links on your links pages, maybe you should take time to comment on the sites or something. I'm not sure what that first page was, but ease up on the banner ads.

Sorry gals, but I'm tossing an olive your way.

Mason - Hmmmm.... well not much at this site except some links and tons of black women power propagaenda? Not that I am against black women, I think its great that they are so into their own impowerment but not exactly what I was hoping to see. Soo... I give this site just an orange, sorry ladies.

Church Lady - Legals Simworld...oh..OK. This is an itty bitty tiny site that gives out an award each month. The site itself seems simple enough though I was confused by the long scroll of empty space to find the reviews hidden at the bottom of the page. There are only 4 reviews total and a list of their favorite sites and least favorite sites. The reviews seem to be quite fair. Hardly enough content here to bother stopping by though.

Now one thing that hit me about this site is that they have mentioned several times that it is by 4 Black women. Do I care what color they are? No....I don't. Do I know for sure they are even black....no. Would a site and award given out by 4 White women be thought borderline strange maybe even offensive to some? Mayhaps. Lambs, we don't care what color you are just give us more content here to make us want to come back to your site. The good Lord made us all in a variety of colors for his reasons and that's good enough for me. Just call me the Church Lady not the White Church Lady or the Black Church Lady just Church Lady because that is what I am. I give this site one communion cup for an attempt at a website and hope they will add content so I can come back and give them a better review. Bless you and keep simming children!

Skyler - Vima sends us off on these little adventures, to get various responses on websites. Usually I enjoy myself. Even if the site isn't one I would go back to regularly, I still enjoy seeing new Sim sites and what peoples imaginations have brought to the community.

Between you and I, I think Vima is suffering from PMS :/ I load this page up, I have all sorts of ads and flashing at me... Oh my God, the first thing I think of is all those poor Japanese children that had convulsions while watching Pokémon cartoons from the screen flashing to fast!

I scrolled down, and down don't see a thing, ready to close the page thinking Vima must not like us anymore, when I see a few more pages to visit. Ah ha, there is something more, with anticipation I click one... It wasn't worth my energy. I finished going through the pages because I'm a girl of my word, and I told Vima I would. Nothing. A very small handful of reviews (imagine a site with reviews? They need a real life). I didn't see a thing worth seeing there.

Sorry folks... I don't like your site :( I'm sure your nice enough people, you just need a theme for your site something, ANYTHING!

This site was about as interesting as Lawrence Welk's bubble machine, so I'll give you bubbles...

OUCH, did you see that? Church Lady has a mean streak! She just hit me over the head with her pocketbook, she likes the bubble machine...

Squeegee - And here I thought that being a "hard but fair" reviewer was going to be a simple hobby. And yet I find myself being tested on the second review of my short career...

When I first entered the URL for "Legal SimWorld" I had first thought that I forgot to turn off my ad filter. But a second check reminded me that the filter was off and the main page of the website was looking me right in the kisser.

First impression?? Too many banners and ads... I had to actually hunt down the the image to see the name of the website. The image should be more pronounced on the very top of the page. I always get a major itch when I spot a large amount of blank space within a website. Because I am never sure if it's a error of the webmaster, or a simple mistake. The Sim user has to scroll down what seems like a yard to find the links to the other pages. Once you get there it's like you have to choose between one of the doors from "The Price Is Right". Door One features the "links" that appears to lack any background. So you might just think your looking at a whole different website.

Door Two is titled "Least Favs". (I won't get into the lack of full words) It features a few mentioned websites including "Romansims.com". Now, I hate to say it but as far as how the website looks compared to "Roman Sims", the toga clad Sims win hands down.

I will skip some of the doors because it's not worth the effort. I do have to give good reviews for the "Links" page. It's a very complete and helpful page filled with working links. The links I tried worked and I found some interesting websites. But the kicker is that none of the links on that page have to do with The Sims. That's acceptable, but then again I am working as a Sim related reviewer. Right??

Some improvements and the site would look better. Any improvements actually. To best take a phrase right from the opinions on the "Least Favs" page:

And I quote: "the content touted just plain sucks?"

I really feel that the page would look so much better if it appeared that the person who made the website actually put some creative effort into it. No matter how small the effort, the page will show it. But, I have to give very low marks for the website because my opinion tells me there was no effort used at all.

I rate this website one half chewed cherry, it's not even worth a full glass.