Juicy Gossip

Killer Sims

Vima - If I was scoring on content alone, this site would probably score a little higher. Unfortunately, I can't do that because of the website.

While the colors are pleasing and the images are nice, the navigational structure is some what reminiscent of finding your socialite friend in a crowded nightclub. Losing an olive for the pop-up ads right away.

Ah, it's finally loaded. Seems like I had to go through about six pages just to get into the site. In most cases, the elevator is the quickest route to your destination, but in this case, you're better off sticking to the stairs. Visit the shopping center for a list of shops.

The site crawls like a drunk who just got the crap kicked out of him for puking on the bouncers shoes. I waited all the time just to see some walls that I would never find any use for. I guess I'll have to be more selective. I've heard of Byline, so I'm going there now....loading...loading...Looks pretty good, but I'm tired of waiting for this site to load, so I'm leaving as I'm sure everyone does once they see how sllllloooooowwwww,,,,,,iiiiiittttttttt,,,,,,,,,,,,iiiiiiiissssssss...( six million dollar man special effects).

I'm sure the stuff looks good. seen it before and most of it is interesting to say the least, but the truth is that everyone avoids this site because the navigation is poor and it's just too darned slow.

For that, I give it 2 martini glasses and an extra olive. A site that you can't get around in quickly is just not worth the time and effort. I'd be glad to review it again in the future...if it's faster! I tried to go back today and I couldn't even get there. hurrumpff!

Mason - Well Simmers this site has tons of things to customize your game. You can turn that boring old book from the bookcase into various kinds of magazines that we enjoy in our everyday life. You can change the clothes of just about any character in the game including the baby! There are doormats, toothbrushes, toothpaste, elevators, cars, tombstones and sponges for the maid just to name a few.

I dont really like the layout of the site all that much and the frame is a little weird too. The colors are good, but they could use revamping with some new features. They are pretty good about reporting news and controversy. They also were the ones to make your sims pee yellow, (why the heck you would actually want that I dont know) but if ya do they have it! The site over all is pretty cool, and you never hear of them commiting and acts of violence on small children :) I give this site 3 martini glasses and a extra orange.

Church Lady - I should have known better when I got out of the Sim Lounge Limo and looked up at the glowing "KILLER" sign that this assignment was going to be a tough one. Can we say, "Thou shall NOT kill?" I think you should...

I started my quest, with a large shopping bag filled with sack lunches and back up support hose...let's say I needed all of those things and more. There are soda machines available so bring LOTS of change. Rolling up my first pair of support hose, I approached the news center...tooooo find a SCANDAL! I took two days to gather more information on this scandal to find out it was only about 3 windows exchanged between Sim Addicted members on a forum. To "protect" an artist known herself for doing some unauthorized recoloring here and there you threatened to "bring the forum down". Shame, Shame, Shame! Can we say...."Make a mountain out of a molehill?" hmmmm? So you dyed a dead cat green and made "barking cat" t-shirts, isn't that special? Mr. Killer, I think if you have no newsie newsie items...you "make them up"? That is just the impression that came to mind after finding out the whole story behind your "scandal." Could it beeee? Why not just have your artist contact her fellow Sim Addicted members herself? How simple would that be? I'm sure with a proper penance given these couple of people could be rehabilitated...and rejoin society without alot of fuss.

Back to the website now... it seems to be made up of alot of tiny tiny departments that might be hard pressed to fill one large room let alone a whole shopping center. So you must do alot of walking or take the elevator back and forth...back and forth..just to see maybe...3 or 4 items in each room. This is where the extra support hose really paid off. The soda machines I found were very handy as a person could search for days for enough to fill one shopping bag so would definately need some substance to keep going on. Some of the items here are very nice but much seemed to have been rushed just to add another tiny tiny room. Might I suggest a new website design? hmmmm? The current look is certainly clever but just doesn't work well in practice. Could this BE why one must "make up" a big scandal in attempts to lure in more visitors? Isn't THAT precious?

Vima, dear lamb, I would like 5 cups of Irish whiskey after having to endure this assignment and I'll drink 4 and give ONE communion cup to Mr. Killer as after his "shopping center", we could all use a good stiff drink! Remember Lambs...."thou shall not KILL nor go to KillerSims without extra supplies and some strong spirits." Hic

Skyler - Well, after the spectacle Vima said I made of myself last week I wanted to go visit Killer Sims, nice and slowly. You know, take my time and browse around. "They" always said "Be careful what you wish for, you just might get it". It look forever for it to load. And why must we first go to a page saying we're leaving the Internet, and to please wait? OK, I know Church Lady is not going to like this one bit. She likes to have both her feet planted firmly on the ground and in charge of where she goes!

Pop up advertising, I HATE pop ups, although I try to understand the necessity of people using them. So, to speed things up, rather than waiting to be taken away, I just click on the banner that says "Shopping Center," it takes me away faster, only to plopped onto another page I need to click to get to the actual shopping center (click).

Now I like this page... Lots of info to peruse through (if you feel like perusing), and I liked that they have ads for missing children. Of course it has nothing to do with the The Sims, but it is something we all should be concerned with!

My first visit to Killer Sims was a nightmare. I still remember it vividly. I was so lost, had no idea whatsoever how to navigate around that place, A few of you out there probably heard me screaming at my computer! :) So I finally figure out to move my mouse over the shopping center to see whats on what floor, then I felt like a total genius discovering the elevator!!! So you can only imagine how ecstatic I was when I happened across the shopping center icon, that took me to an entire index of KillerSims, JACKPOT!!!

Now I can find almost anything I want, nice and reasonablyfast!!! I didn't go through everything, but it sure seems if you want it you can find it there! New textures for books, trash bags, toothbrush, toothpaste, everything imaginable. I feel it my female duty to warn you prior to going to the cosmetic counter, they do not carry Bobby Brown or Este Lauder. The faces look as if a toddler just used their face as a canvas for a finger painting, to many "funny" colors!!!

All in all I liked Killer Sims, although I wouldn't make it a daily stop, more like a bimonthly trip for a few odds and ends. The concepts cute... I'd like to see the text a bit bolder for easier reading, and please do something about the navigation. Maybe some directions on the main page to help get around for Pete's sake (and the rest of us!!!)

I'll generously give them three martinis... I better run, (Sshhhh) don't tell anyone, but Church Lady lost track of her communion cups and is dancing on the bar (eekkk) So much for keeping her feet firmly planted ;)