Juicy Gossip

Extreme Sims (UK)

Vima - I arrived to review it, but the thing was loading soooo slow and I'm on a rather speedy line, so this is pathetic. The use of the java to fade from one page to another is a waste of bandwidth. Gee, cool effect, but I'd rather have a fast loading page anyday. What happened to that girls arm? It's cut off.

The URL is extremesimsuk and either that is supposed to mean Extreme Sims UK or ExtremeSimSuk, on which I might agree. Sorry.

Please stop the music. I've heard that sim music enough, in fact, I turn it down when I'm playing because I'm sick of it already.

I wouldn't download a single object from here. Maybe if I had a clown family...but even then, no. Walls and floors are a bit cartoony and unrealistic for my tastes. I like things that I would actually put in my home. Skins are dithered and just not clean. Otherwise, the kids shirt isn't too bad, just needs more texture and shading.

I am a big fan of not using animation unless it's absolutely necessary or suits a purpose, which in the case of this site, it doesn't..

The layout is fine, if it were a bigger site, I'd probably have to mark it a little lower, but for now it works.

For now, I'm tossing one olive. Improve this site my blending and defining skins more. Object need more originality and some interesting patterns. Some sites such as BriSims and Moni's Sims have done excellent recolors, so you don't have to be able to create a new shape to make something really nice.

Mason - Hmmmm well right away when I clicked on the url it promted me to download something? Not sure what it was but I dont like that at all. Most of the objects here are recolored and badly I must say. Nothing on the object page is anything I would download. There are only 2 skins and they lack texture and definition. The walls are all way too unrealistic for me, and they are just a little too wild and loud. I like to use walls in my game that I would actually use in my real home. Same goes for the floors. I give this site 1 Flirtini Glass.

Church Lady - Vacation.

Skyler - Wow what a site! What more could a site reviewer ask for? A nice clean layout, no music, no popup adds, no colors or designs screwing with you eyes. That exactly what I got waiting for Extreme Sims to load. Nothing, nadda, zilch. I tried for two days... It still wouldn't load.

I was anxiously awaiting to review this site since I've heard through the grapevines the webmaster has been trying to redeem himself after swiping some objects from Sim Freaks, and getting the whole Sim community in an uproar.

So to be fair, I asked Heather what she thought of the new improved site:

Skyler: Heather, thank-you for taking the time to answer a couple questions. How do you feel About Extreme Sims after they so blatantly ripped you off?

Heather: He has apologized for the wrong doing after the initial trouble of getting him to remove the items in question. Also, during our trouble with Sims R Us, the Extreme Sims' webmaster showed his support. With that in mind, all is forgiven.

Skyler: So have you had a look around his site lately? And if so what are your thoughts?

Heather: I think it loads too slow to bother with.

Skyler: Thank-you Heather, your a very forgiving person.

So folks with this in mind. I give Extreme Sims, extreme bubbles, and pass the five martinis to each of my cohorts :)

Squeegee - Now, I am not sure if it's just me. But this is one slow site to load. I have a cable connection and it took me three times to even get Geocities to reply to my computer. When it did load, I have to say that the layout and design of the site is mild. There is no other way to describe it.

The objects section features recolored furniture and some Pokemon pictures. What I am amazed about are two chairs named "Royal Blue Dining Chair" and "Rose Stool". The Dining Chair is not even made at the correct angles for it to look real within the game. By the way it looks in the image. The Chair to appear to be in a balancing act on it's rear hind leg with all the other legs in the air. The chair is not even seen from the "above" look that you would have in the game. It's just a waste of someone's work actually. I can understand if it's a person's first project. But it's one of the worst objects I have seen to date.

The "Rose Stool"?? It looks like a clip art image that might look like a chair. In the screen image, the Sim appears to be sitting above the image, not on it. Another waste of what would be considered an object download.

Point blank, put some effort in what you offer the Sims Community. Those two chairs give the impression that you take the Sims Community for chumps who will download anything. This makes me want to get into the T-Mog trade and make all invisible furniture and then offer it to the public. This would show that I used NO time to make the object and also shows that I would assume people will line up to download the invisible furniture collection. In other words, that they are chumps who will take anything that is offered to them. I do know that it's not the case anymore.

The Walls/Floors section has a few good things in the selection. But it appears most of the images do not load. I do like Micheal's "My Paradise Set". It's a free hand drawing and would look good in a Sim child's room.

I know that the guys who do the site are young. But that doesn't mean that they are lazy. I am not going to judge a person "better" because of the age. I think more along the lines of that they took the time to learn how to make objects, set up a website and use custom graphics. So, having a bunch of recolored objects and those two damned chairs just doesn't add up.

They have the creative ideas and mind to improve the content of "Extreme Sims". I will look forward to see the improvements if they come. But for now, I must give a review of a half chewed cherry.