Juicy Gossip

Diary of a Sim

Vima - This site has a pleasant, clean appeal with easy navigation to boot. Unfortunately, the quality of skins isn't as good overall. There may be one good skinner lost in the mess. The floors were atrociously made and inconsistantly displayed. Objects are unappealing for the most part. Maybe a few good colorizations, but nothing outstanding that you'ld have a hard time finding somewhere else. Someone even stole Claw's security camera and uploaded it as a color job. A couple of walls looked like they might be nice, but when it came down too it, the tiling was lousy.

The houses seem to be about the only thing that I might consider downloading. Some are designed very creatively. That is enough to boost this site up an olive. I'll toast 1 martini glass and throw in an olive...aiming at Skyler ;)

Mason - Well where do we start with this one? The layout is cute, nice colors and it looks really clean. Pretty easy navigation. I like the houses that this site has to offer, and they have some cute heads as well. The skins and the objects on this page are all submitted and not very good. Same goes with the walls, and floors but atleast they are kinda good.

I must say I dont understand why anyone would want to read the diaries or the short stories? Like I said before I am a material girl! I want good objects, walls and floors. Not some lame story that someone probably spent way too much time on. There is a whole other world outside your door I would suggest this webmaster open the door and go outside once and awhile. You can love your sims, but you cant Loooove your sims. This site gets 2 martini glasses

Church Lady - Diaries of Sims, isn't that special? Do the Sims know about that? I can imagine Riktor sneaking into little Simmie houses while they are dutifully at work to steal their little bound diaries. Poor lambs are being exploited. Well......I looked over this site, the heads I found very frighting, some of the walls and floors were not too bad but hard to get to with the File Planet system, some I could not get to at all. If you are going to list a file on several mirror sites, I would at least make sure ONE of them actually had the file? Hmmm? Mayhaps minions of SATAN are stealing your files? Could be?

Some of the houses were quite creative and I would consider them to be the highlight of this site. They were arranged by lot numbers which was convient. Nothing very special under furniture but some well done recolored work if you are looking for a particular matching item to match a set you already have. Good luck finding a server that has the file you want, dear lambs. I won't even mention the skins, I saw. The layout of the site as a whole worked well for me even tho I didn't personally like the color combination.

Vima, dear I would give this site 2 communion cups for the wide variety of things offered here possibly 3 if they would ditch File Planet. * Church Lady waving good bye*

Skyler - Diary of a Sim? Hmmm... I feel as if I'm going to be reading a teenagers most private thoughts, however it appears not. I really like the appearance of this site, nice soft yellow and blue with a nice gray background. Only one add flashing at you, but as I've said previously, I understand the necessity of these and it was only one, I can deal with that.

Just as I wouldn't read a teenagers diary, I really didn't have much of a desire to read a Sims diary, however I'm sure some people find enjoyment in this.

The furniture was simple recolorizations, I didn't see anything original. Simple and few walls and floors, most of them a little to unrealistic for my taste, and a few houses.

They have quite a large strategy/FAQ area along with general info.

Some of the pictures looked rather "fuzzy" so I downloaded a few things just to take a quick look if they were indeed fuzzy, but no, the ones I looked at were fine, so I suggest they do more screen shots with better pictures

I toast these people with two martini's with extra bubbles!

Squeegee - First impression is that this site is two sites in one. There is the Sims related part on the top of the page and then you get Strategy Planet on the bottom half. But, I assume that the site is slow to load for the users who do not have a fast connection. It took me longer then normal to load this baby up with a cable connection.

The site is updated often, I like this. There are loads of information on the main page. But to be honest, the colors stink. Is that a dull yellow or is there actually a color in the spectrum called "old noodles"?? I know this could not be helped, but the Strategy Planet information on the bottom half of the main page is a negative. I will still have to take off points on my review to be fair.

There are a vary large selection of material on this website where the Sim user can look around and sample all the goods.

Now, I do have to comment on the selection of Sim heads in the male head section.

Take a VERY careful look at "Smiley head". I think this is a classic way to protect your work from being stolen. Why?? Because it will stick out like a sore thumb on any website that dares to copy parts of the head and try to sneak those parts into another head image. The bright yellow skin and the wide smile with bloodshot eyes will serve as a deadbolt lock to keep head thieves away.

I sure wish Vima would do a "mutation" using the Smiley head. I am sure this will stand out as a example or how to change one's artistic abilities to counter theft.

To sum up my review. Negative marks on the color and the "2nd" webpage on the bottom. Banner ads are within my limits and a major plus for the amount of content and how often the website is updated. I give this website three martinis.