Fireplace was hacked by Teresa Fernandez @

This fireplace produces food items: Candy Cane and Orange.

You must have these objects in your downloads folder along with the fireplace for it to work properly. These files have been placed in a .far file for your convenience and to make sure they stay together. If you experience an ID conflict, do not change the IDs on the orange or the candy cane or your fireplace will not work properly. Change the ID on the other item that is conflicting with them.

How it works:

Place down the fireplace. Go to live mode and click on it. You will be presented with 3 choices: Light a Fire (works the same), Get a Candy Cane and Get an Orange. Upon getting the food items, your sim will set them on the floor, if they are really hungry then they will eat them, if their not they won't unless you click on the food and tell them to do so.

This fireplace contains a No Burn feature, so it's rug friendly.

Thanks and hope you have fun!

Teresa Fernandez